Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday Fave Fives, End of 2017

The week between Christmas and New Years always seems odd and empty.  The time has been very busy, mostly filled with children and grandchildren.  But I still found time to be thankful each day!   Here are my Friday Fave Fives for this last week of 2017.

1.  Time with my son and daughters.  Because we live all across the US in different states, we seldom have the opportunity to spend more than a couple of days together, so it was wonderful to have my wandering Dr. Mike with us for four days.

2.  Watching Dr. Mike play with his nephews and niece.  He bought some cards for a game and taught them to play.

3.  I learned to play Code Names.  And I didn't totally embarrass myself.

4.  Although we seldom watch movies in theaters, we decided to do a family expotition* to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  I really don't have a yes I loved it or no I hated it opinion.  It was--a fun movie.

5.  I am thankful for layers and layers of warm clothing!

And now, I wish everyone who reads my thoughts in this place a Very Happy New Year!

*expotition:  a borrowed word from Winnie the Pooh books.


Karen said...

Happy New Year to you, too! It sounds like an easy, playful week.

Faith said...

I love the week between Christmas and New Years for resting, relaxing and recharging for 2nd semester teaching and getting back into winter. Ugh...bitter cold here but it's now winter and i would rather have it now than in March!

Sounds like you had a great week!

Happy New Year!

ellen b. said...

Yippee for family time. A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

Meredith said...

Happy New Year, so glad you had a wonderful Christmas.r

Ingrid said...

I am happy that Christmas is over ! Sad to say, was nice with little children or when I was a child. Now I wish you a very happy New Year !!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We went to see It's a Wonderful Life which was playing at the theatre! What a great treat to see it. I don't go to the movies often...and I must admit...Star Wars just kind of bores me.

Barbara H. said...

I am very late visiting this time! I think things just got back to "normal" here after the holidays and having the family together. As much as I love it all, it does wear me out, and I like that in-between week to kind of decompress, get the house back in order, reflect on the last year and prepare for the new one.

So glad you got time with your kids and one got to stay longer than usual! We love to play games when we're all together.

All the kids went to see the Star Wars movie while my husband and I babysat the grandson. We all had fun. :-) I'll probably see it when it comes out to rent.

Yes to warm clothing and homes. We've had single-digit temperatures this week.