Friday, February 09, 2018

Walks and Talks

It's been a warm week at Willow's Cottage.  Literally.  The temperatures have been way higher than is normal.  Shirt sleeve weather.  So I did get some gardening clean up done.  Mostly, though, I just did 'the usual'.  But even in not-so-interesting-just-regular weeks I can find so much to be grateful for.  Here are Five Faves from my week.  Friday Fave Fives is a great way to focus my attention and be thankful.

1.  I've been contemplating the camera purchase.  For some reason, I just couldn't settle on what I wanted.  Knowing that a DSLR camera takes better photos, I was thinking of moving up to that.  But.  I am not sure that right now I want to put in the hours and hours of tackling the new technology I would have to learn to be up to speed on it.  Every time I'd think about it I would not have the excited and anticipatory feeling I ought to have; it was quite the opposite.  This week a friend was telling me about a hard decision she made because she kept feeling anxious and not excited about the situation and decided she needed to step away from it.  She made me stop and think---hmmm, that's how I'm feeling about the step up to the new camera.  Her comments helped me decide.  I really appreciated that.  So this weekend I'll be getting a simple upgrade on the same kind of Canon I have had for the past several years.  I truly can't wait to photograph the shawl I have almost finished!

2.  The second comment someone else made this week encouraged me.  She noted, "God is always at work behind the scenes."  That gives me comfort and confidence.

3.  This week I was out to the blueberry lady's ranch twice.  On Super Bowl afternoon, we took BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) and enjoyed football (the guys), burritos (all four of us), and a walk around the ranch (the girls).  Then on Tuesday morning, I drove out there again to walk with my friend and encourage her to get back into exercising.  By the way, the blueberries are mostly gone, having been replaced by strawberry fields.  Such is life in the agricultural world.  (So does that mean that Blueberry Lady is now Strawberry Lady?  Maybe I should just call her Ranch Lady.)

4.  Have I ever mentioned ginger turmeric tea?  Oh my!  It's marvelous!  We've been drinking a mug each most every day.  There's no caffeine, so we can enjoy it in the afternoon.

5. Last weekend we were invited to dinner at the home of a young couple in our church.  Their two children have been in the 'babies' room where we occasionally volunteer on Sunday mornings so we have gotten to know this sweet family.  It was a delight to spend time with them and their two little ones.  Now I'm looking forward to reciprocating and pulling out the grandkids' toys for the littles to play with.  When your grandchildren don't live within 500 miles of you, it's a delight to pretend to be surrogate grandparents once in a while.

Enjoy your weekend!  Will you have snow or rain or sun in the forecast?


Barbara H. said...

We're grateful for warmer than normal temperatures for this time of year as well. It will be nice on the gas bill, too! We had two sunny days in a row, but today though the next few days we're supposed to have a lot of rain - we have flood warnings for the weekend.

It's nice when something gives you an idea which way to go in making a decision. I know it's nice to have that decided. That quote is a good one. So many times we can't understand what God is doing, or it looks like He's not acting, but He has His reasons, a plan, and a purpose, and He's working them out. I was just praying over some of these things this morning.

My d-i-l has been drinking ginger turmeric tea.

Have a great weekend!

ellen b said...

Thankfully we had some long awaited sunshine today. I even was able to do some yard cleanup. Woohoo. Spent the late afternoon at a last minute gathering around a fire in the sunshine. Sunshine with temps in the 40's made the fire a welcome warmth.
Sounds like some fun gatherings you had! Strawberries...yum.

Faith said...

Sometimes it really is good to step away from a decision especially when you don't have that urge to move forward!

Yay for yummy tea....i haven't tried ginger turmeric but i do like the lemon ginger one i found by Stash.

How fun to get together with a younger couple. I have a younger mom in my current small group Bible study and she used to babysit MY daughters, she has a toddler son whom i got to meet last weekend!

We have rain tonight washing away our snow. I'm glad. I'm sooooo ready to hike and bike!

Susanne said...

Wow, shirt sleeve weather and we're digging out yet again this weekend. Glad you were able to make the decision that is best for you at this time. I still haven't learned how to work my big camera, it definitely is a commitment. Can hardly wait for blueberry and strawberry season here but it's gonna be awhile, meanwhile I'll enjoy what's imported for sunshine-y areas like yours.

Ingrid said...

Impossible to work outside, too wet, muddy and cold ! I escape to my usual hotel in Egypt because it's the only place where I am sure that it is always warm and sunny even the other north African countries had snow this year ! Never happened. Soon we will have weather like in Australia and they will have ours !!

Tracy said...

"God is always at work behind the scenes."...that is a beautiful thing to always remember! Glad you camera dilemma will be solved soon. Missing your photos. But sometimes it just takes time to consider that big purchase, etc. I have yet to try the turmeric tea that's been all the rage. Our local supermarkets have had the fresh turmeric root--yet. Less caffeine would be good! So sweet that you had some child-play time. :) It's still been snowing here. Every weekend for weeks now, we seem to get a topping up of snow! Happy Days ((HUGS))