Friday, February 02, 2018

What I Did This Week

The lack of a camera to document my week has been frustrating for me.  We did look at cameras but I have not yet decided which camera I want.  In one sense I realize that I have become lazy in writing because 'one picture is worth a thousand words' and therefore I don't have to write as many words in a blogpost.  So today I am writing my Friday Fave Fives and not adding photos (which feels very weird to me).  But there is still much for which to be grateful!

1. and 2.  Walking and hiking are favorite activities for me.  This week we took two walks.  The first was along the beaches beyond Ventura.  We parked at the west end of the city and walked about two and a half miles up the biking/walking trail toward Santa Barbara.  The weather was perfect.  The air was clear.  The scene was peaceful.  It was the perfect place and day to walk by the ocean.  Then another day we hiked in the Santa Monica Mountains.  The area is called Satwiwa and is the site of an ancient Indian settlement.  Where we walked was mostly through meadows although there was enough up and downs to make it more challenging.

3.  On Wednesday we drove into Los Angeles.  How on earth could that be a fave when the traffic is always horrendous?  Well, we took the opportunity take a walk on The Strand which is the beach walk in the South Bay beach towns, to have lunch with a friend,  visit another friend who is in rehab from a stroke, and finally to pick up a friend/neighbor at LAX airport.  All in all, it was a wonderful day and was worth the traffic stress.

4.  My sister in law (one who lives in our town) had a birthday.  So we celebrated with lunch after church on Sunday with another sister and a nephew.

5.  Any excuse to start a new knitting pattern is a good thing, right?  My daughter asked for help on a pattern, so I figured I might as well try out the pattern myself.  Makes sense, right?  In the end, she chose a different pattern to use to knit a shawl, but since I had already made a lot of progress on my 'sample', I decided to just keep on  knitting.  I'm half done.

Thus ends my attempt to express Willow's Week with any photos.


Anonymous said...

Even without photos it sounded like a lovely week. However, I DO miss your beautiful photos. Today was special: grand baby John Alden was born. I think John would have been so delighted to have this little one named after him. I knitted a baby blanket for him, not the first, and not the last. I started one for an April baby. Basket weave body with a lace edge fron the Folk Shaws book by Oberle. Mary

ellen b said...

Hikes, walks, beaches, knitting...sounds like a perfect week.
Have a good weekend. I'm hoping for smooth travels on your freeways!

Faith said...

oh i'm envious that you got to walk along the ocean AND take a hike!! I've done neither in far too long. BUT...i did get in an afternoon walk with hubby last sunday as it was mild and sunny.

Yay for successful trips to big cities.......

i hope you find just the camera soon. I only use my iPad or iphone now. although i'm trying to talk my oldest gal who has an excellent amazing camera to take some photos for me.

enjoy the weekend!!

betty-NZ said...

I like having photos instead of words, myself, so I can relate to not having a camera handy. But your weeks sounds pretty great without them.

Barbara H. said...

Glad you got some good walks and visits with friends in! I lived in Houston and near Atlanta - I can imagine the LA traffic is even worse, especially around the airport. I think walking by the ocean might be about the best kind of walk.

Karen said...

I was without my camera for months, and boy did I miss it! It just wasn't the same using the one on my cell phone. Your week sounds lovely, and I enjoyed your description of the beach. It created a picture for me:)

snoopydogknits said...

I would feel lost without the equipment to hand to take photos. Photography is a wonderful thing! Your week still sounds lovely even without the pics! Ros x

Jerralea said...

It sounds like a good week!

I'm glad you had a fun day even if you had to deal with traffic. (So nerve wracking for me, which is why I live in a village, LOL)

Wendy said...

Well you did a good job of describing your week with words. I'm pretty useless at remembering to take photos but I'm trying to improve. I do hope you sort out a new camera soon though. Will be interested to see the finished shawl!

Ingrid said...

You had a nice week ! Fortunately I don't have to help with knitting, it's ages that I have knitted and completely forgotten. BTW the Internet is repaired and all looks new. 6 workers came with machines at 9 am and at 4.30 pm it was all finished !!

Susanne said...

Your walks along the ocean and the mountains you have always sound so appealing! One of these days I will make it to California and take them in!! Choosing a new camera is so hard with all the different options out there. I'm sure you will make a good pick.

betty-NZ said...

Sounds like a good week. I cant imagine driving in LA, even though I drove in Chicago as a younger version of me!

Thanks for your comment on my blog. New Zealand does look a lot like yours!

Tracy said...

What a GOOD week... and love the mother-daughter knitting! Choosing a new camera isn't easy these days. My little digital died in January 2017, and I've missed it sometimes as it did better photos than the camera on my phone. I didn't want to spend the money, so just been using my phone... Maybe a camera sometime, maybe? LOL... Happy Days ((HUGS))