Friday, May 04, 2018

May Days

It's MAY!  Happy Month of May!  And Happy Friday!  Which of course means Friday Fave Fives.  Here are my favorite happenings for this week.

1.  NOT hearing the words May Day May Day on my flight home was a fave.  Nuff said.

2.  But May flowers are a fave.  Here are some I found in my garden and the neighborhood this week.

3.  May Gray.  It's a thing in Southern California. That has been the weather most of this week.  Actually, we kind of like the  cooler temperatures the low clouds bring before summer gets hot.

4.  World's Best Neighbor texted me one morning and offered coffee.  So I popped up to her place, but we ended up going to a local coffee place because she had a gift card she wanted to use.

5.  Finally, my PAL loves Star Wars.  Here she is in a  "May the Fourth be with you" costume.
Cutest  Princess Leia in any universe!


Faith said...

Oh how cute your granddaughter is!!

Yay for no mishaps on the plane and for spring flowers. I neglected to post a pic of my tulips!! I'm just thrilled that NYS weather has finally improved!! Kayaks are going in water today and i cannot wait!,

Love spontaneous coffee dates.

Enjoy the weekend!

Patti said...

Oh definitely a cute Princess Leiah! So fun to dress up for "Force Day."

Yes, I don't want to hear "May Day" when I'm on a plane either. I was recently reading a People magazine article about the lady that died when sucked partway out of the window of a Southwest plane. How totally heartbreaking.

I love flowers. It is always a joy to see them popping up in the spring.


Meredith said...

Love your faves this week. Little Buddy came home with construction paper Yoda ears on yesterday. I had never heard of this May the fourth celebration.

betty-NZ said...

It sounds like a fabulous week in your part of the world. Adorable little princess :)

Susanne said...

She makes an adorable Princess Lea. The spring flowers make me smile. Love them against the rock backdrop.

ellen b said...

The cutest for sure! Sounds like a good start to May!

Tracy said...

Always such a pleasure to see what's happening in your corner of the world, Willow, and with your family... your granddaughter is sooo CUTE!! :) Happy Days ((HUGS))