Friday, May 18, 2018

May Is Moving On

Hello from Willow's Cottage!  May time is in full swing here and obviously The Professor and I are keeping busy.  What am I thankful for this week?   Here are my Friday Fave Fives. Link to Living to Tell the Story if you wish to join in.

1.  World's  Best Neighbor knows I love my garden.  She had been invited to the Conejo Garden Club's May Tea, so she asked if I would join her.  I knew the hostess for our table, so I accepted  the invitation.  It was a lovely afternoon spent outside in a lovely garden. (And I met a new friend, too)

2.  Then WBN invited us to a luncheon where the speaker was an Army Chaplain (recruiter) who attends her church.  Knowing we have a son who is an Army Reserve Chaplain, she thought we would enjoy meeting him.  We did, and we found out we know some of the same people.

3.  This time of year, I am in my garden every day.  I pay lots of attention to my veggies, but I'm also drawn to the flowers.  Veggies don't make great photos, but California poppies do!

 4.  A  few months ago, someone who was moving passed on to me a pot filled with gerbera daisies.  I transplanted them into other pots, but plants being what they are, the daisies popped up in that first  pot again.  Not that I minded.  This pink bloom has been gracing my kitchen window for at least two weeks.

5.   I finished knitting a vest I began on my trip to Ohio.  Immediately, I put it on and wore it to one of those events I mentioned above; I didn't even block it first or sew on the five buttons. I love it so much!  No photos yet because--I'm wearing it all the time.  I plan to sew the buttons on today and then I'll photograph it.  I promise.

So there is Willow's Week in five easy steps.  I have so many other things I'm thankful for, but I had to choose.  There was the installation of a new floor loom, the gift of a favorite book I wanted, a lunch date and coffee date with friends.  I'm so blessed!


Gracie Saylor said...

Your blessings bless me, Willow :-) Thanks for sharing. My packing, weeding, downsizing, continues at a steady clip and today I have faith that God is weaving all the details into good for His glory! Happy Weekend to you and yours! xx

Anonymous said...

Blessed and busy. What a happy combination! Hope you post a picture of your vest and loom soon. Mary

a jar full of marigolds said...

That is a beautiful daisy! I was gifted a pot of them at work but mine are so much more simple. In fact, now that I see yours I wonder if mine is a Gerbena Daisy or perhaps something else. Either way it is sitting on my kitchen table and it looks quite pretty when I come in for my coffee in the morning.

Meredith said...

Lovely occasions to be thankful for, and a new floor loom, hooray!

Barbara H. said...

What a thoughtful neighbor! Glad you had those two enjoyable outings and met some new folks. The poppies and gerbera daisies are so pretty!

Jill Foley said...

I've tried so hard to grow California poppies - no luck! But I enjoy seeing them along the roads and in the wild. What a beautiful daisy!

Faith said...

All the flower photos are so pretty!!! I LOVE gerbera daisies. But I've never grown them. Maybe I will try!

Sounds like a wonderful week full of blessings. I never did sit with that glass of wine i mentioned..l.l.i ended up going kayaking with my ballerina girl instead...a MUCH better choice for me!! 😀

Happy weekend

Susanne said...

Oh that pink daisy!! Love it! Daisies are such a happy flower and those colors on that one are gorgeous. The tea sounds like lots of fun. So nice that you have such a wonderful neighbor.

Patti said...

A garden club tea sounds divine! How nice of your neighbor to invite you.

Gerbers are such fun and perky flowers. Yours is gorgeous. As are your poppies.


Ingrid said...

That's good that you like working in the garden ! I hate garden work (or yard) I try to keep the work as low as possible !