Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fave-rite Place to Spend an Evening

for a hot hot week.
The best way to cool off!

It has been very hot here.  At least it has been hot for us.  We've been holed up in the house with the AC on.  That is definitely something for which to be thankful!  We really didn't do much except go to the library, the grocery store and peek outside to make sure the plants were adequately watered.  Finally, we decided to head to the beach to cool off.

Here are five fave views from our walk at Thornhill Broome State Beach.

1.  Surf was up!

2. Rock sculptures.  We chatted with the man who made these.

3.  No one was swimming and the lifeguards had gone home.

4.  The temperature had dropped several degrees in the 8 miles from our house to the coast.  Evidently it had been foggy there all day.

5.  Nothing is better than a sunset at the beach!

Stay cool, my friends!


Faith said...

Love the beach pics especially those rock cairns!!

Been ok temperature wise here in the northeast but the high humidity levels have forced us to keep the central air on all week. Dryer air is supposed to move in sometime tomorrow so once we are home from central NY and a family reunion we will be opening our house windows!! Too humid to sit on the deck!

Happy weekend!!

Keep cool

Tracy said...

Such GORGEOUS images, Willow... breathtaking!! It's refreshing just to look at water... We're baking over here in Norway, can you believe? We had our warmest day yet yesterday--96 F!! It's been a lot of cold drinks... and ice cream... ;) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. If you can't get to a lake when it's hot, the library is great! Mary

Susan said...

Hello Willow,
I love spending time at the beach whether it is hot or cold.
I've never seen rock cairns at the beach. How lovely. We did see some on our hike at Donner Lake. And once when we went to Yosemite we saw a hundred or so. It was almost magical.
I hope you stay refreshed and cool this weekend.

Ann said...

Beautiful beach pictures. We returned from the southeast coast two weeks ago, and you are making me miss it again. :-) Thank you for your photos.

Meredith said...

It is so beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Very hot here, too. I don't know how people lived without AC before it was invented. Always lovely to take a trip to the beach! Those sculptures are neat.

ellen b. said...

This recent heat we experienced in southern California and here in Seattle has sealed the requirement of Air/conditioning for the house we purchase. Glad you could drive to cooler weather.

Ingrid said...

It had been very hot here too around the 90F, and nobody has airconditioning ! I had to close windows and shutters to keep the heat out but still. Apparently we never had such a hot summer !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hot here in UT too. Lovely pictures of the beach sunset. Have a wonderful week!

Jellybeans Angel said...

Beautiful beach. Thanks for the share. We have been having a dry heatwave in the UK, so it was very refreshing to see the sea.