Friday, November 30, 2018

Done with November

I can't believe it's almost DECEMBER.  What happened to November?  I know that Thanksgiving was early this year and that the first Sunday of Advent is this weekend.  Wow!

So what did I do this past week?  What blessings arrived on the doorstep of Willow's Cottage?  I'm sharing Five Faves--five favorite things from this past week and linking to Susanne's group Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Obviously, the big fave this week is the RAIN we had on Wednesday and Thursday.  Here in Southern California, rain is somewhat of a rarity.  We popped into the library to drop off books and all the high school kids are in the front plaza running and jumping around in the rain.

2.  With rain comes some trepidation after having had two or more rain induced deadly mudslides in the past few years in our area after wild fires have decimated the flora on the hills.  So we are all very thankful that there were no mudslides this week.

3.  I'm thankful for the very diligent fire departments and police and sheriffs who patrolled all around the burn areas (including my neighborhood) checking on everyone and everyplace to make sure the mud and rocks stayed where they are supposed to be.  Our first responders have been very very busy lately.  I'm so thankful that they work hard to keep us safe.

4.  Also with rain and wind comes that phenomenon called tumbleweeds.  They are real things.  And they are big.  In the wind, the tumbleweeds were jay-walking across the roads and sidewalks and cutting off other drivers in their lanes and getting stuck on road signs.  I love 'tumbleweed season'.

photo taken in the rain near a lemon orchard

5.  And of course there is always knitting at Willow's Cottage.  Two new bunnies!  Aren't they adorable?  I love to knit and I love to create beautiful things.

So now we are done with November!  On to Advent and Christmas!  My favorite time of the year!


Faith said...

Well Christmas and Advent aren't my FAVE times of the year but Christmas IS my fave holiday!

Your week sounds thankful you received some rain. A high school friend if mine's sister lost her entire home and belongings and pets in the Paradise CA fire. But the humans are all fine and safe. Praise God. I truly can't imagine living with the fear of fire and mudslides. The first responders deserve a medal!!

Those bunnies are just precious!!

Enjoy your weekend.

Karen said...

Oh, those bunnies are adorable! I love the image of the kids dancing in the ran. Tumbleweed season? I hadn't heard of such a thing, but I'm thinking of how pretty they would look with Christmas lights haha! Does anyone ever find things to do with them?

Barbara H. said...

I love the mental pic of teens playing in the rain! Glad there were no mudslides. Hope your first responders get a much needed rest. There's so much they do that people don't even think about. Cute bunnies! Wow, those tumbleweeds are big! I had always associated them with west Texas, but I guess they're probably all over the west.

Ingrid said...

Where I am now at the red sea, it almost never rains ! I lay in the sunshine and Christmas seems so far away !

ellen b. said...

Love your bunnies and we know about mudslides and are always concerned about that. Yippee for December and the most wonderful time of the year!