Friday, March 15, 2019


Hello!  It's sunny and exceedingly windy here at Willow's Cottage today.  Oh, I'm loving the sunshine (the wind not so much).  And I'm rejoicing in my abundant blessings which I am sharing via Friday Fave Fives hosted by Susanne.  HERE is the link to how you can participate and choose to be thankful and be encouraged by others.

1.  My church has a regular women's event called Rejoice during which we celebrate achievements and milestones for all the women in our congregation ages middle school and up. (Yes, we include our middle school young women!)  Last Sunday we celebrated two weddings, a college graduation, two babies, and a (very sadly) moving military family.  I love how our people celebrate together.

2.  How can a fever be a favorite thing of the week?  The fave part was that I could rest, drink lots of herbal tea and heal quickly.

3.  March 14. Or 3.14.  Or Pi Day.  We celebrated 𝛑 day by--- eating pie.  Pumpkin Pie because it is almost my birthday and I prefer pumpkin pie to cake.

4.  March 15.  It's the Ides of March, that infamous day in history when Julius Caesar met his end by traitorous means.  Why is this a fave with me?  Long story made short--in college I had a marvelous professor who taught me so much about life, Biblical history and Biblical apologetics.  On March 15th, I took an exam in his class and wrote at the top of the page by the date, "Beware the Ides of March".  When he returned the paper to me, he had written on it by my A grade, "The Ides of March treated you better than it did Caesar."  I still have that exam because I still value all that he taught me (and yes, I do refer to my notes from the classes).  Every March 15th, I rejoice and think of him and thank God for that man's influence on my life.

5.  When March arrives, I always wear my shamrock necklace and earrings all month because it is my birthday month and St. Patrick's Day is my actual birthday.  My mother gifted the necklace to me when I was visiting her in Boston on my birthday.  It makes me remember my mom and rejoice that I had a loving, godly mother.

I want to let you all know that I will be off the blog for awhile.  You might think that I am backing away because of the Lent season.  No, actually, The Professor and I have plans to travel to places where I will not be carrying my computer, so I won't be online much except when I have wifi connections to use my phone.  We are leaving on Thursday.  I will do my best to write a post next week. However, I don't have any guarantee of having wifi available to allow me to post.  After that, I will be silent (mostly) for three weeks while we are traveling.  Where in the world will Willow be?


Anonymous said...

We, too, have had lots of wind. However, I am thankful for the way it has made the snow and excess water disappear more quickly. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and lots of traveling fun! What a sweet gift from your mom. Mary

Faith said...

we have a lot of wind today here in eastern NY but YEAH!!! ALL of our snow is gone here in the albany/saratoga area because we have had mild temps the last 2 days...yesterday it was a sunny glorious 70!!! my heart was happy as was the house because college girl opened the windows while the rest of us were at work.

I too had a fever on Monday and was thankful for sick time and herbal tea. I'm fighting an ear infection that seemed to appear out of nowhere!! But thankfully the pain is fading and i have NO other symptoms.

Oh a long wonder where you are going??? I hope you post pics when you are done!

That is such a neat story about your college professor. I love it.

Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!! God's richest blessings as you take your blogging break and enjoy your vacation with your husband.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you were able to rest up and get well quickly, especially as you have a trip to look forward to. I'll look forward to hearing about it as and when you're able to post. Happy birthday for tomorrow and have a great trip!

Barbara Harper said...

I love that your church women's group includes middle school girls and up. I've often thought that, though youth groups are valuable, too often the kids are cut off from the rest of the church and then drift away when they graduate. It's so important for all the generations to be together at times to learn from and pray for and celebrate each other.

Glad you're feeling better. Though I don't like being sick, I do like the opportunity to rest and read.

We celebrated Pi Day, too. Fun! Happy birthday tomorrow! What a sweet remembrance for the Ides of March.

Happy and safe travels!

Meredith said...

It is fun that so much of the world is celebrating your birthday! Happy Birthday and Happy St Patrick's Day.

ellen b. said...

Here I am commenting finally on your birthday. Happy Birthday to you and may God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace! A mystery trip!? Yippee. Enjoy your time away from your computer. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!

Susanne said...

Well a very Happy Birthday to you! What a special gift from your mom! Your story of your exam made me smile. Such a great memory of a professor who influenced you positively. Ooooo, your trip is sounding very mysterious. Can't wait to hear about it. Enjoy your time off.

Ingrid said...

We don't celebrate St. Patricks at all except maybe a few people because as a lot of things swap over from to States ! I have erased all school teachers from my memories, they were all dragons at that time compared to the teachers today !

Karen said...

This is such a great list! I love the one about the Ides of March. Good teachers are a lifelong influence. I'm sure you've had students that feel that way about you:) Your celebration of women at your church sounds lovely, and how wonderful to include the younger girls. Happy Birthday month! Can't wait to hear about your trip. Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Hi Willow,

I came across your blog when I was looking for an address for a Tea house with "Willow" in the name.
I am an author of a new Children's book called "To Willow's House for Tea". Send me a note when you can. Visit my website for my current contact/personal information:

Tracy said...

Hi, Willow... NICE to catch up with you! And happy very belated birthday!! I love the idea of pumpkin pie for a birthday treat! :) LOVE the silver shamrock jewelry! Wishing SAFE and very HAPPY Travels... Looking forward to seeing of your adventure! :) ((HUGS))