Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday Fave Fives, end of April

Friday Fave Fives!  I'm living in the recent past processing all those photos from our trip to England, but I'm also living in the present--reviewing this week and finding the blessings.  Here are my Five Faves from this last full week of April.  If you want, you can join me and others by clicking THIS LINK to our host Susanne's blog.

1.  The Professor did his magic and I have photos!  So far, I've published ONE POST with pictures from our trip to England.  I'm loving reliving our days there through processing the photos.

2.  Trip to Phoenix.  I don't necessarily love the hours we spend on the road.  But I do love the beauty of the desert and of course the destination which is PAL's house!  We took a hike on Friday and she was our 'guide'.

3.  Easter with our PAL!  I love celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and I love celebrating with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.  We attended their church for both Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday services.

4.  This week we received a couple of emails from former coworkers in Indonesia, telling us about a person who is writing a booklet about the history of our international mission in Papua.  She asked for our biography and some photos of us and our ministry there.  So I dug out my albums and found this picture of our family from 1988.

This also reminded me that I really need to get back to focusing on organizing and scanning all those hundreds of photos we still have sitting around.

5.  Our weather has been perfect for getting out into the garden and weeding, and there are lots of weeds to keep me busy.  I love to be outside and just gaze at the flowers while I'm cleaning up the weeds.
Lavender and Poppies on the bank

I hope you have had a blessed week!


Schotzy said...

My you have had a blessed week.. have a great weekend, too!!

Barbara H. said...

Nice photo of your family! We've talked of Margaret Stringer before - I was just wondering if she would be in the booklet, too, but I can't remember if she was part of your mission or working elsewhere. Nice to have access to your photos! I've got several shoeboxes full of photos that I need to organize sometime. I'm glad you got to spend Easter weekend with your son and his family.

Faith said...

Oh how nice to see a photo of you and your family when you were on the mission field.

your granddaughter looks like a great hiking guide but that is one dry, dusty trail. We are having "mud season" in the Adirondack mountains right now and then next month will be "black fly season" so i will avoid hiking up there until end of June. I do go to the catskills or berkshires though if i have time in May/early June.

Your flowers look beautiful....mine are just blooming now and we lost a lot of tulip bulbs to squirrels.

Anonymous said...

I love how you bless your children and grandchildren. And vica versa, of course. Mary

Wendy said...

What a nice way to spend your Easter.

Susanne said...

I love that picture of your family. Fun to look back. Spending special holidays is all the sweeter when it can be done with family!

Ingrid said...

You had a nice week ! I did a tour around England and Scotland 4 years ago, it was wonderful, besides that I go each year to Eastbourne on the South East side of England. I love to be there. And for me going from Brussels to London it's only 2 h, by train under the sea, the Eurostar !