Friday, May 17, 2019

Willow's Week Mid May

All of a sudden, it was Friday night! And I realized I hadn't posted my Friday Fave Fives.  Where did the week go??

1. Mother's Day.  None of my children live in driving distance but they are always good to call or text to wish me a Happy Mother's Day.  Makes my whole week.

2. A couple of things have pushed me to start scanning my photos.  Mission Aviation Fellowship is writing an article on how they have helped bring Bible translations to groups of people who don't have the Bible in their languages.  Since MAF was an intregal part of our ministry in Indonesia, they asked us for information and photos of our time there.  So we did that and dug out some photos and scanned them.  Then our kids' house mom in their boarding school hostel has been posting on facebook lots of pictures she has been scanning.  So...I've been inspired!  And since organizing and scanning my pictures has been a goal of mine for YEARS, I jumped in this week and have begun.

Me in the Papuan jungle 1987

3. I got to do that drive to Santa Barbara again this week to pick up World's Best Neighbor from the airport there.  This week I took some time to stop by and visit with a former coworker from Indonesia who lives there.  We had a great chat.  I took her photo to share with my kids who knew her as "Aunt Marge", but she made me promise not to post it on social media.  (But for eighty-seven, she's looking good!)
And of course I had to stop and snap a photo of the Isla Vista pier

4. On Wednesday, we decided to get in a long walk along the beach and through the town before the rain came.  Oh, it was wonderful to watch the waves roll in and smell that sea air.

Surfers Point

Mission San Buenaventura

5.  Rain!  It is so unusual for Southern California to have rain in May.  I loved just listening to those drops hit the ground.


Faith said...

Lovely list of faves!
That must be fun going through old photos. I need to do that come winter when I'm not so busy being outdoors!
I love the photo of the pier!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

1987 - That was a long time ago, with lots of twists and turns between then and now. You looked beautiful and happy. Can you believe that in all the years I lived in California, I don’t remember visiting one of the missions. That one looks lovely. I’ve been to one in Arizona that I enjoyed going through. Mary

Gracie Saylor said...

My youngest daughter has scanned a lot of family photos, I need to, and applaud your efforts, Willow. One of the fun parts of moving to the condo is meeting new folks. One couple who introduced themselves to me right away is retired from missionary work in Europe. They recently have had guests from Romania When we got together this week we marveled that although we attend different churches we have mutual friends outside the condo complex but within the Body of Christ.

Meredith said...

Sounds like you have had a wonderful week, enjoy your weekend.

nikkipolani said...

You’re inspiring me to encourage my mom to do the same— scan, scan, scan! She’s been going through hundreds of photos, organizing and sorting.

And, yes, is it May rain miraculous??

ellen b. said...

Walking along the ocean sounds real good. Glad you are scanning that important history and time in your lives!

Susanne said...

Good for you for getting those photos scanned. Hubby has been doing the same with pictures from his childhood that his mom just handed to him in a plastic bag. Lots of work but worth it in the end. And it's fun to go back and be reminded of the memories. That pier looks like it's inviting one for a walk down it's length.