Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Tickled Pink

Good Wednesday morning!

Wednesday Hodgepodge Day.

(click the logo to join to go to Joyce's blog to join in)

    From this Side of the Pond

1.  What's something that reminds you of your grandmother?  Tell us why.

My dad's mother loved dahlias.  Every year, her garden was filled with dahlias.  Whenever I see a dahlia, I think of my grandmother.

2.  Is your life currently more 'moonlight and roses' or a little more 'every rose has its thorn'?  Elaborate.

I really try not to focus on the thorns.  So I have to say that my life is moonlight and roses, although I would probably say that I prefer sunsets and daffodils.

3.  June 23rd is National Pink Day...favorite thing you own in any shade of pink?    

I own a beautiful pink goblet.  Bought at Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, CA and given to us at our wedding, it has survived for forty-seven years and dozens of moves.

Favorite thing found in nature in any shade of pink?

How can I choose my favorite pink flower??  One flower I love is a camellia.  My other grandmother, my mom's mom, grew camellias in her front garden.  I loved them.  At my home in California, I had nine camellia bushes, all of them in shades of pink.  Here are three:

Favorite food or beverage?

I love rhubarb strawberry crisp.  And raspberry sorbet.

Favorite shade of pink?

I don't really have a favorite shade of pink.

4. Last thing that had you tickled pink?

Oh this is an easy one.  Obviously, my four grandchildren being together and playing together after two years.  Here is a photo I took of them last week when my youngest granddaughter was visiting from AZ.

5.  What are two or three words that describe your style.

Casual.  Sporty.  Modest.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Do you love fairy trails in the forest?  We have a fairy trail in a local park.  My grandkids were 'enchanted' with it, so I took many photos along the path and plan to publish a post about it tomorrow.  If you'd like to 'walk' along, pop over and see it.


songbird's crazy world said...

Now I am intrigued, what is a "fairy trail"?

Anonymous said...

This was a fun post: the lovely goblet with a history, beautiful pink flowers, wonderful grandchildren, and a fairy trail to look forward to. Mary

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the color pink! Those goblets are beautiful! I love that picture of your grands all together. Wonderful memories for you. Have a good week.

Cathy said...

What beautiful pink flowers and your grandkids look like they are enjoying be all together.

Joyce said...

I'm thinking of making a small garden tucked away for my grandchildren. I think it would be fun, maybe more gnomes or tiny woodland creatures since they're boys. We have camelias and they are big bloomers. They love the sun here!

Martha said...

Beautiful flowers and it warms my heart to see your grands all together again after so long! I'll be back tomorrow, I don't want to miss the fairy trail! :)

Carla from The River said...

I enjoyed reading your answers, Willow. I loved seeing those smiles on your grandkids.
I love the idea of the fairy trail.

Jennifer Dungey said...

I love your pink goblet! And your flowers are beautiful :)

Ingrid said...

You pink goblet is beautiful and also your flower pictures. Of course the hightlight is the picture with your grandchildren ! I would love a fairy trail, but it's so cold suddenly here, after a heatwave ! and it rains for a change !

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a sweet memory of your grandmother. Good for you focusing on moonlight and roses. Sunsets and daffodils sound perfect. That is a lovely goblet. The flowers are so beautiful and I could go for a raspberry sorbet. Love the grandchildren and how nice they were able to hang out together.

nikkipolani said...

There are so many "national day of", but this one I can get behind :-) Nice to see all your fave pinks. And love that pic of your beautiful grandkids playing together!

Kirstin said...

I loved your answers. I love strawberry rhubarb crisp too. Your grandkids are adorable.