Friday, August 06, 2021

Hello, August!

 Good Morning, friends!  It's August!  How does that happen so fast?  Wasn't it June just last week?

Here it is Friday already.  Here is Willow's Week for Friday Fave Fives.  As always, I am thankful for so much in my life.

1.  Two birthdays this week.  Younger Daughter's birthday was Saturday.  She wanted to celebrate by visiting a new to her local coffee shop and then taking a walk on the nearby lake.  (She has been dog sitting for the neighbors, so we had FOUR doggies to walk!).  Then Older Son, Chaplain Dan, had his birthday this week.  Although we couldn't be with him, we had a great phone conversation. And we had seen him two weeks ago.

2.  This has been a productive week.  I had gotten out of the habit of making a 'to do list', and it was evident by how little I was doing.  So I am back to using my 3x5" cards for making my daily list.  A few years ago, my friend showed me her method.  It really works well for me.  It was obvious this week.

3.  Bike ride.  We did six and a third miles one morning before it got too hot.  The Professor really loves riding his bike and I enjoy it too.

4.  Progress on finishing the pergola on our back patio.  Assembling and putting it up and adjusting its position takes more than two people.  Fortunately, we have strong daughters and grandchildren.  They joined us one evening and we are now working on the last step--drilling holes in cement to anchor the poles (The Professor may be having way too much fun with his new drill).

5.  How does one get helpers?  Feed them!  To gather our workers, we used the 'we buy, you work' method.  The overwhelmingly popular choice this week was Panda Express.  It's a win-win-win for me as I don't have to cook, I get yummy Chinese food, and we get (mostly)willing workers.  And of course the underlying feeling of thankfulness is always present when I realize that I am a phone call away from half my children and three-quarters of my grandchildren. 

What are you noticing in your life, events that push your attitude to thankfulness?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like a good week for you. I would love to know what your 3x5 card method is. Perhaps you will share it in a post? Glad you had lots of help with your backyard project. Panda Express is great payment for work in my books! We had a family birthday last week too - my 7-year-old granddaughter. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Cathy said...

What a great week and Happy Birthday to your family members. I really like Panda Express too.

Faith said...

I make to do lists every Sunday on a memo pad type thing for the upcoming week. I need my lists!! hahahah....and I'm famous for leaving sticky notes in random places for the husband or a daughter to find...usually a reminder to empty the dishwasher or take out trash :)

It sounds like you had an awesome week. I love that you're close to your daughters and grands. And I did the same thing for Courtney's move in day Saturday. I the primary reinforcer of PIZZA!!!!! (it worked).
JUly was so rainy here that I only rode my bike ONCE on a weekend....and so hot and humid after work that i just did walks at dusk. And now that August is bringing us perfect summer weather, my back is out so I STILL can't ride my bike!! Glad you got one in!!

enjoy the upcoming weekend
HAPPY Weekend!!

Wendy said...

I've slipped on making to do lists too but definitely get more done when I have a plan. Sounds like a really good week. Birthday wishes to your son and daughter. Enjoy your weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I like to have a list for just about everything. I’m not sure if it makes me any more productive but it does make me feel more organized. At least i can check back to see what I’ve forgotten about.

R's Rue said...

Happy weekend

ellen b. said...

I hope we get to see the finished pergola sometime soon. If it's on my list it gets done. If it is not on my list it is hit or miss as to whether it gets done. I like to bribe workers, too.

Meredith said...

Sounds like wonderful things to be happy about. Stay safe.

Barbara Harper said...

I'd love to hear about your 3x5 card method, too. I tend to make lists on paper, sometimes on my phone or computer. My oldest son is coming to town next week, and I made a list today of must-do and would like to do.

Happy belated birthday to your daughter and son! I love the you work, we'll feed you idea. They are building a new Panda Express near us! I can't wait.

You asked at my place about my favorite pie (since I mentioned having some at O'Charley's). Anything chocolate! They have French Silk Pie. My son introduced us to Chocolate Pretzel Pie, which is such a good combination of sweet and salty. It's our go-to pie chocolate pie if we're making one, except at Thanksgiving (gotta have pumpkin and apple then!.

Kim said...

Hello! Nice to meet you! Thanks for coming by my blog. I always enjoy making a new friend in Blogland. I will be checking out your posts in the future. And Panda Express sounds like quite the enticement to work! Happy Monday!

Ingrid said...

I never do lists or other methods what I have to do ! Since I am retired I do things when I am ready to do them otherwise it's not good. Of course urgent matters are handled ! The Panda Express seems very interesting to me ! What a good idea !

Susanne said...

Happy belated birthdays all around! I have lists everywhere. I love bike rides. Glad you were able to get a few in before it got too hot. The pergola will be so nice to have when it's all done. Lots of help is a real blessing when it comes to jobs like that.