Friday, November 12, 2021

Be Thankful. Every Day.

 Good morning!  And yes, it is a good morning.  It's sunny and not too cold.  And it's Friday.  Fridays are a fun day for me.  The weekend is almost here and it is Friday Fave Fives time.  November is considered the 'thankful month', but really, every month and every day should be a time of thanksgiving.  And so, here are my thankful things from this week.

1.  Off Daylight Savings Time.  I am happy to be back on 'normal' time.

2.  I have finished a sweater and cap and they are waiting for the hoodie to be knitted, so I can send them to "other daughter" because her son has already outgrown the snuggly sweaters I sent before he was born.

3.  Veteran's Day.  I love to honor all the men in my family who have served in the US military.  My father and his brother, and two uncles, and father-in-law served during WWII.  My husband spent a year in Vietnam.  My brother-in-law was in the US Army Reserve.  My son is currently serving as a USAR Chaplain.  I am thankful for how they willingly have served our country.

4.  November 11th is also Chaplain Dan and Jennifer's wedding anniversary.  Happy Anniversary X 15 to them!

5.  Finally, since Younger Daughter had the day off from work, she asked if I would hike with her.  We chose a close but unpaved, windy and hilly spot, Flint Ridge State Memorial.  The paths were so covered with leaves that sometimes we were unsure what way to turn or if we were actually on the path.  If in doubt, let the dog lead.  The hike was absolutely beautiful and so refreshing  All. The. Leaves!

Be thankful.  Every day.


Deb J. in Utah said...

The hike looks wonderful. So glad you have your daughter to hike with. Yes, so much gratitude and honor for those who serve and keep our nation free. I love the sweater and cap. Glad you had a good week, now enjoy the weekend. :-)

Susan said...

Your knitting is great! I wish there was place around here to go hiking with all the leaves!

Ingrid said...

We had our time change last weekend I guess, One hour I don't even realize. The only thing which bothers me that at 4 pm it's already dark !I prefer summer time ! Your knittings are very nice. I learned it at school but I never liked it,, too slow ! It's getting cold and not a weather to hike around. And also I am not in the mood.

a spirit of simplicity said...

Thank you to all of your family members who have served our country. Your hike looks just beautiful! What a treat to be able to get out with your daughter.

Barbara Harper said...

The sweater sets are so cute. I’m thankful for veterans who served and are serving our country so well. Happy anniversary to your son and daughter-in-law. The hike sounds lovely.

Karen said...

Your hike looks wonderful! The very definition of fall!

Many thanks to your family members for their service.

ellen b. said...

Yes, it's good to be thankful everyday. Looks like a nice hike!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Your knitting skills are remarkable, my friend. Thanks to your husband and other family members for their service to our country. I can picture you and your daughter hiking, and I hear the crunching underfoot. ;)