Saturday, November 06, 2021

Cold and Sunny

 It is officially COLD here at Willow's Cottage.  For three nights now, the temperatures have plummeted below freezing.  There has been frost on everything in the mornings.  But, at least it has been sunny.  Maybe it is the cold that is slowing me down since I returned from my trip to Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina.  That's my excuse, anyway, for not posting photos of our trip and for being so late posting my Friday  Saturday Fave Fives. (you know the drill: click on the link)

1.  Warm blankets and afghans.  I love pulling on one of my handknit blankies and snuggling up in it.  In fact, I am doing that right now.

2.  Freezing temperatures at night mean my garden needed to be put to bed.  The Professor researched and found a way to cover the one bed that still has lettuce, spinach and kale growing in it.  So far, those plants have been snuggly and warm under that frost cover.

3.  The rest of the garden is almost done.  I'm thankful I've been able to get outside during the sunny times of the days and finish that autumn job.

4.  A long and wonderful conversation with a friend from our church in CA.  I miss her sweet fellowship and it was so good to just chat over zoom for two hours.

5.  At my Women's Bible Study, somehow we got on to the topic of contentment and trusting God. (duh)  There were words I needed to hear.  I'm thankful that I have gotten connected.

I hope you are finding all kinds of ways to see the blessings in your life and are grateful for them!


Deb J. in Utah said...

It's windy and overcast here today, with rain and snow predicted for early next week. I hope you had a good trip. Glad you were able to save some of your garden goodness from the frost. I have been out trying to dig up and winterize geraniums today - another bit of getting ready for the coming cold. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

ellen b. said...

Arrgh! We still haven't worked on our fall clean up in all the beds. Yikes. Glad you are getting connected.

Karen said...

We are going through a warm spell again, which has given us some beautiful fall color. Cleaning up the garden is not one of my favorite things to do!
How nice that you got to talk with your friend on zoom! Those conversations are so good for the heart!

Faith said...

We're having chilly nights and mornings too but warm sunshine all week except one day of rain. I've done SO MUCH hiking this autumn. WAY more than during the summer when my back was out in August and when it rained just about every weekend in July. I just love autumn and it's been a mild one with amazing color here in NYS. I did have to defrost my car the last 3 mornings.....

LOVE that you had a 2 hour zoom chat with an old friend. How special...i never wanna take technology for granted.

YAY for getting your veggies saved and working in your garden.

I hope you have a marvelous weekend curling up with your warm blankets.

Ingrid said...

It's still quite warm here for the season, but the trees loose their leaves. I hate this season which leads us to cold winter months or maybe it will be warm like last winter ! In fact I almost wore the same clothes the whole year !

Susanne said...

I still need to get to all my yard work. Hopefully this weekend. Our nights are getting chillier. Time to finally bite the bullet and bring out the feather duvet. I love warm afghans and blankets in the evenings.