Saturday, November 20, 2021

Five Favorite Thankful Things

It is so close to Thanksgiving Week!  Life is ramping up.  I did start my Friday Fave Fives on Friday, but Life got in the way.  Better late than not at all to be thankful.  Enjoy your week of preparation and celebration!  Here are my Five Favorite Thankful Things from this week.

1.   I thought it was still autumn.  The leaves on the trees are still brilliant and vibrant.  Then why did we get snow?  And why on earth would that be a fave?  Well, I am thankful that we didn't have to go out in the cold.  And really, there wasn't that much snow and it didn't stay around all that long.

2.  On Saturday, we made a trek to another county to visit the local library there, Wagnalls Library.  It is a beautiful and historic place.  Our main reason to visit it was to check it out for having family photos taken next week.  Everyone's response was a resounding, YES, let's do it!  Stay tuned...more to come.

3.  Sunday night, we attended a Big Daddy Weave concert with Younger Daughter and our granddaughter.  I'm not much of a concert goer, but I thoroughly enjoyed this concert.  And Anne Wilson sang with them.

4.  The Professor had another commitment and so what did I do?  Dinner with the rest of the family at Olive Garden!  We were celebrating a personal milestone for Older Daughter, and it was a great time.  I love living near family.

5. Our coffee friends from California, T and S, have been sick.   Since they are well again, we met for... Coffee one morning.  Of course, New Boy loves this because he gets to tag along and enjoy yummy food. Time with friends (oh, you should have listened to the conversation the guys had about linguistics), and fun for New Boy.  He sits and does his school work, mostly all his reading, and sometimes hangs out with us old people a bit.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!


Faith said...

wait...Ohio had snow already??!!! Here in eastern NY we haven't had any although Tuesday might bring some flurries according to our latest report. There IS snow on the highest elevations of course up in the Adirondacks. I"m hoping to get up there to hit a (flat) trail during my Xmas break but it will depend on snow amount and temps!! (oh and if the roads are actually open to where i want to hike to). hahah

How fun to check out a new library and to have coffee dates with friends.

I don't know what the milestone was for your oldest girl but congrats to her!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Sandi said...

Snow! And bright lights. Wonderful to see. ❤️

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love all the time you get to spend with family since your move to the East. We have only had snow in the mountains here in Utah, so I am looking forward to that first snow. It is always fun to check out what treasures there are at a different library.
Glad you had a nice week, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Ingrid said...

I have a very small family, just my son with wife and son and my husband who knows for how long. The Covid increased again, but doesn't affect me much, outside we don't have to wear a mask only if there is a crowd, but you can decide yourself, but inside always. But people don't go out very much and in many cities in Europe the Christmas markets have been called, Sad !

Karen said...

I haven't been to a concert in years! How fun! It's so nice to hear about your time with family now that you are living closer. So happy for you! And that old library sounds awesome. I'm sure I'm not the only one who seeks out the library when I'm in a new town. Even just to drive by and see what it looks like. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Karen said...

P.S. I'm always glad to have company when my Friday Favorites fall on a Saturday, haha! :)

ellen b. said...

It is good to live by family for sure for these planned and impromptu times together. Sounds like a good week. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

nikkipolani said...

Agree with all the other commenters about the joy of family visits. Blessed indeed.