Friday, July 22, 2022

Late July Hot and Humid Fave Fives

 Hello from hot and humid Willow's Cottage.  I don't love humidity (hmmm, I lived for years at the equator--still don't love humidity.)  And it's Friday.  I am joining my friends at Friday Fave Fives (hosted by Susanne) to look beyond the humidity and find the good.  Here are my five points of gratitude.

1.  Sunday evening, our church life group met at the local Salvation Army facility.  We cooked (well, The Professor did--he made all the fries).  We served.  I did the pulled pork and hot dogs.  Older Daughter and Tall Boy served cookies.  It was just the best time.

2.  Younger son has arrived here at the cottage and is burrowed into the basement bedroom (his choice).  I love having him here for an extended visit.  (no photos yet; can you believe it??)

3.  After a month of not meeting up, we met our friends T and S for coffee Thursday morning.  We talked for three hours.  And laughed.  And listened. And loved every minute.

4.  The Professor and I had errands to run near the big city.  Since we were passing right by Y, E, J, and S's apt, we popped in to take them some things the boys left at our house.  They are getting settled in and their neighborhood is lovely.  I love having them here!

5.  My garden is continuing to produce well. (Yes, I did post about this last week, but I am continuing to be thankful for all the produce.)  Tomatoes, snap peas, kale, lettuce, cucumbers.  Parsley, basil, spearmint.  Yum!  And the hibiscus is popping out a couple of huge blooms every day.

Bonus:  you can't have just five!  We attended a concert by the Columbus Symphony at our local Catholic church.  The acoustics in this building are great. And the stained glass windows are beautiful.  A perfect place to listen to Haydn.


Terra said...

I like all of your fav 5 or 6. Family, music, garden, faith, I celebrate all as you do.

Sandi said...

The church is beautiful!

nikkipolani said...

Oh, what a delightful collection of fives, er, six? Those connections with family and friends are just the best.

Wonderful fruits of your gardeny labor!

Faith said...

Love your faves....especially that you got to listen to Haydn!awesome!!

Keep cool and enjoy a relaxing weekend.

Wendy said...

Lovely list! Great that you are getting produce from the garden AND lovely flowers. Enjoy your weekend.

Ingrid said...

Looks as if you spent a nice week ! It was so hot here that the city seemed dead, too hot to go out. I should have spent the day in a Supermarket which has air conditioning, but I thought of that late in the evening ! Next time I will be more clever !

Barbara Harper said...

It's very hot and humid here, too. I'm so thankful for AC, and looking forward to fall. Looks like you've had a good week! How neat to go to the concert. What a great opportunity to serve at the Salvation Army. Glad your son is there for an extended visit and your friends are settling in well.

Susanne said...

How fun you were able to have that coffee and catch up with friends. Your week sounds lovely in spite of the heat and humidity. The hibiscus looks lovely. I tried to grow one last year but ended up selling it because our pup decided the buds were a yummy treat.

Meredith said...

Sounds like your summer is filled with so many blessings including family. Stay safe and enjoy.