Friday, July 29, 2022

Coming to the End of July

Friday already?  I had good intentions of writing more blog posts this week.  Obviously, that didn't happen.  But here I am on Friday, being faithful to be thankful for all the wonderful things in my life this week.  Here are my Fave Fives. (follow the link to join in!)

1.  Our recently transported near us family/friends have been helping us this week with a house project.  We have been wanting to insulate our garage, so Y and The Professor have installed the insulation and hung almost all the drywall.  It looks like tomorrow we will see all the drywall finished and then it will be time for taping, mudding and painting.  How I appreciate their hard work.

2.  And while the guys are working in the garage, E has cleaned my house.  In California, they owned a house cleaning business, so she can get through my place and clean it up so fast.

3.  Today while Y and The Professor were working, we girls did a project, too.  I have been wanting to change the color of two really dark things hung on the wall by my front door-- a cross and a picture frame.  According to E, we weren't 'working'; we were doing 'artwork'.  I love the new look.

4.  There have been lots of coffee times this week.  Of course, we had our usual weekly coffee time with our friends.  But I also had coffee with two different ladies who have asked to meet with me.  I love coffee.  But I love the connection more.

5.  Weather.  This week the temperatures have moderated slightly, and we have had rain.  Perhaps because I am a native Pacific Northwest girl, I love rain.  The sound and smell of rain makes me happy (not TOO much rain...).  And, when it rains, I don't have to water the garden.

I hope you have had a week where you can find many many blessings.


Cathy said...

It sounds like you have had a truly blessed week. Hope you have a good weekend too.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Willow. It sounds your whole family is relocating from California. Glad to hear you had a good week. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Great idea to insulate the garage. Nice to have an extra pair of hands. I like the art work refreshed! And just like that July is over...
Happy new month to you!

Anonymous said...

Nice week: clean house, coffee, rain….love it!

Faith said...

oh we really need rain in our area of NYS and while dave and I have been near Boston all week, this area could use rain badly, as well! Rain is a true blessing when it's been a hot and humid and DRY summer!

YAY for coffee dates, helpful family members and projects completed.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Wendy said...

Can you send some rain in this direction lol. Sounds like a lovely week - lots of connecting but also productive. Enjoy the weekend.

Ingrid said...

Wow you were quite busy, how nice to have such helpful friends ! A good isolation is very important these days !

Barbara Harper said...

How nice to have help with the house project and cleaning. Love the lightened-up artwork. Yay for rain and cooler temperatures!