Friday, July 15, 2022

Mid July Faves

 I am finally sitting down to relax this afternoon and focus my thoughts on what I have done this week and what has made me thankful and grateful.  I am sharing these with you to encourage you.  If you want to be even more encouraged, click HERE and read what other people have share for their Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Our friends (family, really!) have arrived!  The 'adopted' boys' parents, S and E, drove in on Friday afternoon.  The 'boys' had found an apartment and gotten the keys that morning.  Excellent timing.  And all of them have accepted jobs!  And their truck of furniture is due to arrive today.  They love it here already.

2.  We have been blessed with wonderful neighbors.  We swap things back and forth 'over the fence'.  We shared some basil with them; they tossed us some coffee to try.  We discuss everything from nasty garden pests to theology.  We are thankful for having neighbors like J and L.

3.  That basil?  Yeah, we have had so much yummy-ness.  I picked SIX cups of basil and made pesto.  And the tomatoes, snap peas and cucumbers are producing well.  I am thankful for an abundant garden.

4.  My garden has also displayed some lovely flowers.  I thought the hibiscus had not survived our crazy cold winter, but it is thriving.

First hibiscus bloom

The hydrangea is putting out lovely blue flowers

5.  The Professor and I celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday.  We chose a low key day with S and E helping clean and do a couple of household chores.  Then we had take away Panda Express for dinner.  How many years?  Forty-nine!

We were a bit younger then.

And just for fun, here is a bit of 'butterfly life' from my garden.


Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!! Congratulations on 49 years! It's nice that you have good neighbors. When we moved to our current house, I was worried it would be hard to get to know neighbors since we no longer had kids. And that seems to be the way you make friends in new neighborhoods. Well, we have a lovely community of retired people, and it's been wonderful getting to know everyone.

The hydrangeas are gorgeous. I wish they grew as well out here.

nikkipolani said...

Oooh, nice flowers. You can grow hibiscus in your zone?? That's amazing.

Agreed -- great neighbors are such a blessing. Mmm, I can just about smell that bundle of basil.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello! Happy anniversary. 49 years is quite an accomplishment! I love the flowers in your garden. They are beautiful. So glad that you have good neighbors. That is so important. Also good that your family's move to your area is going well and that they like it there! I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Cathy said...

Happy Anniversary!

Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary! Your garden flowers are beautiful. It is such a blessing to have neighbors who you enjoy. Have a great weekend!

Ingrid said...

Happy anniversary ! We made it to 54 ! I am also so lucky with my neighbor, she is a widow like me (can't get used to this word) and she is like a mother to me ! Brings me plates she has cooked, she loves cooking and always make too much (she has 4 grown up children, 4 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. My little family went to Italy (of course !)

Barbara Harper said...

Belated happy anniversary! So glad everything is working out for your friends and their kids with jobs and living accommodations. Good neighbors are a treasure. Homemade pesto sounds great. What a lovely hibiscus. We had one once, but it didn't survive winter.

PaulaShort said...

Happy Anniversary. Your flowers are stunning and I love your butterfly picture. Blessings.
Visiting today from FFF