Friday, December 16, 2022

Fourth Week of Advent

PEACE.  That is the theme of Advent's Fourth Week.  That is what the world needs.  Peace.  We can only get peace from Jesus.

Did you have a chaotic or peaceful week?  Mine was a mixture of both.  Three trips in to the big city for medical appointments.  At least, one of them included a quick grocery shopping trip to two stores we don't have in our little town.  But we also had periods of quiet between which we definitely needed.  I try had to focus on the peace and not the chaos.  That helps me be thankful for all situations.  Here are five ways I found peace this week.  Willow's Week for Friday Fave Fives in this fourth week of Advent. 

1.  I am thankful that the stitches in my hand are out and the PA declared that I am healing well.

2.  According to the PA, I can resume my knitting as much as I feel like!

3.  I have been contemplating buying this book for a long time.  Finally, at the (slight) urging of my daughter-in-law, we found it online and I purchased it.  I am calling it my Christmas present to myself.


4.  I have found a place to offer my knitted hats for sale.  During the summer, I had talked with the owner of a resale shop who told me she would take them during the winter/Christmas season.  This week, I dropped them off and am hoping she will sell them all.

5.  As our temperatures have dropped this month, I have been huddling under my afghans.  I am so thankful that I am warm and cozy!

How about you?  Where did you find Peace this week?


Wendy said...

Good to hear your hand is healing well and you can resume your knitting. Yes we definitely need some quiet times amongst all the hustle and bustle as we head toward Christmas. Hope you can find some over the weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the hats you made. I am sure they will sell. So glad that you are healing up and had a good week. See you again soon!

Susan said...

That Santa hat is so cute. I hope your sales go well. The season has been very busy for me. I am looking forward to having more quiet time. I am working on my Advent study, but a bit behind. Glad to hear you are healing nicely!

Karen said...

I'm glad to hear that your healing well, and back to your favorite activity! The hats are beautiful, I'm sure they'll sell quickly. The Country Diary is a beautiful book. I have my grandmother's copy, she loved it.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So happy to hear that your hand is healing well. That's a blessing! Your knitted hats are so nice! I guess we don't need them much here in Florida, but I always love to see them! I do hope they will sell well for you. Finding peace in the midst of chaos right now? Well...I enjoyed our children's Christmas program at church this past Sunday so much. We have a very small group of children, and it is made up of kids from age 3-16, but they did such a good job I found myself weeping with joy. It was a wonderful experience to see them. Our adult choir will sing this coming Sunday, and I am in it. I am thankful that I am over the flu and sinus infection so that I can sing again. Praying I don't cough in the middle as sometimes I do from nerves or when I get too hot. But I love to sing the story of Christ's birth. Praying it will minister to others. Peace...our ladies had their Christmas party this week, and it was so special just being with a group of happy Christian ladies. These are special moments that give me joy and peace. Now If could just finish my shopping and wrapping I'd really have peace! LOL. Merry Christmas!

ellen b. said...

Glad your hand is doing good enough for you to resume knitting. Hope all those great hats sell!

Faith said...

Glory to God for His Peace and that your hand is healing well and you can knit again. That must make you very happy.

those hats are super nice! I would definitely buy one...or two...or 3......:)

Glad you had moments to rest and reflect on peace amidst the chaos of the weekly errands.

What brought me peace? last night's sleep!!

Have a restful, peaceful weekend!

Melanie said...

Your hats are adorable! I hope they sell. My daughter knits and she makes marvelous things. I'm afraid that the "knitting" gene passed over me.

Yes, peace is so needed right now. I'm glad to hear that your hand is doing well and you're back to knitting again. I'm sure you missed it.

Hoping you have the Merriest of Christmases.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so glad for the good news about your hand, especially that you can resume knitting! I have that book--similar situation, I'd eyed it for a long time and finally got it. But I have not started it. Maybe next year! How neat to have a place to sell your hats! I am very thankful for throw blankets. too.

Cathy said...

I love your hats. I hope you can sell them all. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

nikkipolani said...

Knitting again! Good news, and especially about those cute hats you've created. We had friends over and roomie was looking a simple centerpiece. She decided on a few sprigs from our olive tree, which turned out to be appropriate for the "peace" Sunday of Advent :-)

Someone once gave me a daily calendar/diary type of book (about the size of a thick checkbook) that was based on The Country Diary you've pictured. So many beautiful illustrations in it.

Susanne said...

Yay, you can pick up your knitting again! Glad to hear your hand is healing well. Such cute hats, there will be lots of happy and warm heads out there wearing them! That book cover is lovely.