Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Northern Oregon Coast, Part 1

When you visit Oregon, you need to drive to the coast.
We started our coast weekend by driving to the most northern Oregon coastal town, Astoria.
At Astoria, you can cross north over the Columbia River on a long and high bridge into Washington. 

 We chose to turn south on Hwy 101. 

...after we enjoyed The.Best fresh caught fish and chips at Bowpicker's.

See that empty spot in the middle of the photo where there are no landmarks?  That's where the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean.

In case you were wondering, yes, the lumber industry is still going strong in the Pacific Northwest.

As you drive south, you will often be hugging the cliff on your left and peering down onto the beach on your right.  And when I say, peering down, I mean down a long way.

Eventually (after a few miles of hair raising cliff hangers), you will arrive in Cannon Beach.
Cannon Beach is the location of Haystack Rock.
I remember playing around Haystack Rock as a child, trying to wade out as far as I could during low tide to maybe reach the rocks in front.
(Unless you drive down to the beach and get out of your car, your photos will inevitably include lines and poles.)

Cannon Beach is a favorite tourist destination for most of the year, and there are many shops and restaurants to visit.  We stopped at an art store because my sister-in-law's niece has a display in the art gallery.  Then we popped in to a candy store and there was a friend from our church in Portland!  What a wonderful surprise to find her there!

And then we arrived at the 'real' beach, Rockaway.

Twin Rocks
at Rockaway Beach

In this somewhat closer up shot, you can spot all the birds perching on top of the rocks.

That was Day One of our Oregon beach adventures.

Come back for more!


Faith said...

My husband and I have often talked about going to Portland Oregon for a visit!!
I want to see the pacific ocean up close and personal. I've only ever seen it from the overlook at the GOlden Gate Bridge and from Fishermens Wharf in San Fran. Your photos are misty.....

Gattina said...

Looks beautiful, but apparently the weather was not so nice ! Now I want "fish & chips", which I can only get in the UK !

ellen b. said...

Familiar roads. I'd like some of those fish n chips!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, that all looks so lovely, except for that long drop off the edge of the cliff to the water below. Not sure I'd want to drive there! But I am enjoying your pictures. I've never been to the Pacific Northwest...well, we did fly to Seattle once for a conference but didn't get to see many sights. (except we had lunch in the space needle). Enjoy your vacation! So happy for you!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Really beautiful pictures. Oregon is a lovely state. I would like to go back! Thanks for sharing these great pictures from your trip.