Friday, June 30, 2023

Settling in to Summer

Friday means summing up my gratitude for the past week.  This weekly post really helps me focus on being thankful.  Each evening before I turn out the lights, I write down a couple of things that were impressed on me reminding me how blessed I am.  Then on Friday, I write about them and link to Friday Fave Fives.

1.  On Monday, we celebrated both Father's Day and The Professor's birthday.  He didn't want cake.  He wished for pie, but only if Older Son made the crust (we considered flying him out here to do that).  So he ended up with ice cream.  Lots of ice cream.  I'm thankful for the years The Professor has had to enjoy life.

one of my favorite photos of The Professor (1987?)

2.  The smoke laden skies have made our days grey this week.  The weatherman has warned us not to be outside.  I am thankful that I have an air-conditioned home with some protection from the smoke.  (I am sorry for all the people in Canada, so close to those fires--memories of the years we spent watching the fires burn around our hills in California.)

3.  A new book recommendation is always a fave.  PAL is almost nine years old now and during a video call with her last week, she showed us a book she has enjoyed reading.  Of course, I had to pop on to our local library website and put a hold on that title.  Word of Mouse by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein.

4.  I started working on a new afghan for my older granddaughter.  The blanket I knitted for her almost ten years ago had a fight with a dog and lost.  For this one, I chose a beach theme.  I am thankful I can knit!

The colors aren't quite accurate.  The darker blue is lighter and more turquoise-ish.

5.  Our garden is slowly growing.  The birds are well fed.  So are the two constantly-visiting rabbits.  The bees are happy.  I am so very thankful for room to garden!

a few raspberries

nectar and wax from the hive

Be blessed this week!  Choose gratitude!


Anonymous said...

I’m impressed that you have already been able to harvest honey. Do you remember the home we stayed in on tour, where the husband told us how good local honey was for allergies? I buy as local as I am able, but it’s not from my back yard! Mary

Barbara H. said...

Belated happy birthday to the Professor! We're having effects from the Canadian fires even here in eastern TN, with warnings about poor air quality and warnings to stay inside. I am glad, too, for air conditioned houses and lots of interesting stuff to do inside. I'm glad your garden is producing despite the local partakers. :-)

marina said...

I love James Patterson's novels, but I never read his children's books. I have to check them out 😊
So glad your neighbors rabbits and birds are well fed, so are mine.
So nice to see yarn and knitting needles: I used to knit long time ago, I have too many things I like to do, and not enough time....

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you have had a good week, even though the skies were smokey. Yes, here in Utah, we have often dealt with the smoke from California fires as well as fires in other parts of the West. I love the colors of the afghan you are making - two of my favorites. That is a great picture of the professor a few years ago. So glad he had a nice birthday. Happy July 4th weekend to you and yours!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Birthday to the Professor! Too bad there was no pie or pie crust from a dear son, but ice cream sounds good too. We had some of that this week and it was special. Those raspberries sure look good. Another friend of mine in Ohio posted a picture of raspberries from their yard (on Facebook). I guess it must be the season! I am sorry you are having to deal with the smoke from those fires. I heard others in OHIO mention that as well. Please stay indoors as much as possible. That smoke can't be good for anyone. Praying it dissipates soon. That afghan looks like it will be beautiful! What a blessing you can do that for your granddaughter. What a treasure that will be (hopefully it will stay out of the way of the dog!). Have a blessed 4th of July!!

Wendy said...

Belated birthday wishes to the Professor - he picked a good day to be born! Hope the smoke is better now. I hope the birds and bunnies are leaving you some produce! Look forward to seeing the finished blanket. Have a good weekend.

ellen b. said...

We do thank the LORD for air conditioning here where we live. Hope the fires get contained and put out in Canada...soon. We had a few small ones here this week. Belated birthday wishes to the Professor. I hope you are still celebrating. Happy garden to you and happy July!!

Faith said...

oh what a wonderful week you've had.

HANDSOME man you married!! LOVE the pic.

That's going to be a GREAT fave colors......

I came home from Vermont where skies were mostly clear all week until late yesterday afternoon (clear from the smoke i mean from canada) but down here in the Capital Region of NYS it is BAD. The smell is horrid...i can't imagine living close by those fires. Wish they'd figure out how to contain them.

Happy belated birthday to your guy.

I LOVE the Alex Cross books by Patterson and knew he wrote children's books but never read any of those. Glad your granddaughter is reading!! so many children today do not. it makes my heart sad. I'm SO thankful my daughters have always had books going and continue to do so.


nikkipolani said...

I like your daily habit of recounting impressions of blessedness. I, too, try to collect them mentally and write/take photos when I have time. But the daily accounting is a good one.

Roomie was on the east coast and noted the smoky air, too. I hadn't realized it had gotten to your area.

How nice of the birds and rabbits to leave you a handful of raspberries ;-) And you're keeping bees?!