Friday, July 07, 2023

July Has Arrived

 I am late but at least I am here posting my Friday Fave Fives before midnight. We had a busy day! And a busy week.  Here are the five blessings I chose out of many from this past week.

1.  My brother's birthday. We talked on the phone.  And at least we saw each other last month. 

2. July 3rd. We joined the rest of the family to walk to the university campus and enjoy the local symphony play lots of patriotic songs, and then we enjoyed lots of fireworks.

3.  July 4th.  A Day of Remembrance of independence.  July 5th.  More fireworks.  This time at the home of friends--out in the country.

4. This morning we drove to Amish Country with family and friends. On the way, the back bumper on younger daughter's car broke half off.  After we pulled off the highway and stopped to examine the damage, two different people stopped to check on us. One gentleman ran back to his car and grabbed some rope, crawled under the car and tied the bumper back on.  We were so thankful for his help so we did not have to turn around and abort our trip.  That is something we love about living in Ohio-- the kindness of strangers.

5.  The most fun part of that was that the man had a small python snake around his neck when he stopped.  As he stepped from the car, he handed the snake to The Professor.  Then others had to take their turn holding it.  Instead of 'hold my beer', it's 'hold my snake'.  Only in Ohio!

6. BONUS! There is a new dog in the family!   Our girls have an eight week old Bernese Mountain Dog named Athena.


Wendy said...

Well I'm glad you got the car sorted and could continue on your journey but no way would I have been holding that snake! Oh that pup is cute but looking at her(?) paws she's not going to be little for long. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

ellen b. said...

That's a great story about your roadside assistant! Beautiful pup! Happy July adventures to you.

Barbara H. said...

What an adventure with the snake-wielding helper! I'm glad God sent him by at the right time. Your 3rd and 4th of July sounds like a lot of fun. We always see some big fireworks displays from our yard, too.

marina said...

OMG!! I love your daughter's dog!!!! She is so cute! But, no thank you on the snake holding 😄.

Susanne said...

What an adorable addition to the family!! How nice of a stranger to stop and help you out with the car. I would have been a bit skeptical when I saw him get out of the car with a snake around his neck but glad it all worked it out. Sounds like fun celebrations for you!

Faith said...

AW....they won't be holding Athena for very long that's for sure!! My sister in law is on Bernese Mt Dog number 2 and they get HUGE. So cute at the puppy stage!

Praise God for the man who helped tie the bumper on. I'll pass on the snake thanks.

Sounds like a good week of celebrations all around .

Stay cool!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

So nice that someone stopped to help with the car...I think I would have passed on holding the snake though! We were all fogged out for the fireworks this year. We could hear them over the harbour but it was so foggy we couldn't see them! That was a first for me!

nikkipolani said...

It's so sad that we hear stories of scams that make people not want to offer help. But the kindness you experienced is wonderful. Glad you could continue your trip and that no one seemed to mind the python much.

(I'm sorry, if I or my mother were in that situation, we'd be waiting across the street, thanks.)

That Athena looks delighted to join the family. She's a beauty.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a beautiful puppy, but yes, it will be big before you know it! How nice of those strangers to stop and help with the car. That is such a blessing in this day and time. But that snake, well...I wouldn't be holding it! I hope you enjoyed Amish country. We used to live in the Ohio Amish farm country (Ashland Ohio area), and I loved hearing and seeing the horse and buggies going by our house and seeing the farms and families out working in the fields, etc. It was such a beautiful place. I miss that part of the country. We were not in the more touristy area of Amish country...this was out in the country away from that. Such an interesting and unique way of life in this day and age. Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer!