Thursday, October 05, 2023

Five Faves From the End of a Road Trip

Friday Fave Fives.  Again, I'm on the road, but we're almost home!  Whether I am traveling or sitting at home sipping my coffee, I always stop and think about my week and then post Five Faves of how I am blessing and am thankful for what has transpired in my life during the week.  (The link takes you to Susanne's blog, our host for Friday Fave Fives.)

1.  The Professor caught that nasty virus the day after we arrived, so he was incapacitated and isolated most the time we were in Phoenix.  That is certainly not the fave here.  I am thankful that he was not particularly ill.  I am thankful I stayed well.  I am thankful that we were not staying at Chaplain Dan's house but were in an Airbnb, so it was easy for him to be separate from others.

2.  I am thankful that I was able to attend PAL's choral concert.  (photos did not turn out well; this is the only reasonable one I got)  Waiting for the concert to begin...

3.  The birthday gift we gave PAL was a hit!  A pioneer era sun bonnet which we found at one of our stops on the Santa Fe Trail.  Plans are being made for a dress to go with it.

4.  The last evening we were in Phoenix, Chaps and the family brought a meal to share outside in the back area of the Airbnb.  It was truly a blessing to celebrate dinner with them.

5.  I am thankful that we have been able to finish our goal of following the Santa Fe Trail.  On the way home, we drove the auto route for the Cimarron Trail Cut Off (the more southern route).  (and one of these days, I'll get all the photos uploaded!)

Bonus:  our last morning in Arizona, we had breakfast with an old college friend and his wife whom we had never met.  Bill and I sang together in choir and small group called Reflections.  It was great to catch up!

Bonus2:  we'll be home sometime today!!


ellen b. said...

Welcome home! It's good to be on the road and a joy to return home to your own bed and pillow! Glad things ended well in Arizona and you were also able to attend the concert, etc.

nikkipolani said...

Fives with a bonus! Your travels sounded great, even with provisions for your husband and his virus :-( Sorry he'd been unwell and missed out on some activities.

PAL is adorable in her bonnet. I'm sure you all will come up with something fun that'll go with it.

marina said... was good you did not catch that nasty virus.
That hat is awesome!

Faith said...

What an adorable bonnet....reminds me of Little House on the Prairie!! My daughters loved that show when little and we could see it on cable. We no longer have cable but that show and the books live on in our hearts. I think one of my girls has the entire series of books packed in a trunk in the basement.

That sounds like such a great trip! We also just got home from a few days in the HIgh Peaks region of the Adirondack Mountains. I was in HEAVEN as i'm sure you know. Pics will be in various posts after this weekend. some are on FB.

I'm glad you are home safely and I hope you have a wonderful long weekend and that your hubby is feeling better from whatever his illness was.

Barbara H. said...

It was so good you didn't get sick and you weren't with your son and family then when your husband was unwell. I'm glad you got to go to PAL's concert. What a sweet gift! It's always nice to catch up with old friends.