Thursday, July 04, 2024

Still on The Road

Have you wondered what has happened to Willow? I am still traveling. Yes, this is a long trip. Where has Willow been? Ireland was my first stop. Dublin to Glasgow via several places, then back to Dublin. Then I flew to London to meet up with my family.  After one night in London, we headed south to Hastings and then west to Poole.  Some family returned home. The Professor and I and Older Daughter journeyed to Telford and Ironbridge, and now we are in North Wales!  This is my view from the airbnb window right now as I am writing this post. That castle in the background is Conwy Castle.

Anyway,  I am here to let you know I am fine and I am writing my Friday Fave Fives after two weeks of being MIA.  Sadly, there will be very few photos until I return home. That camera of mine is being persnickety and won't talk to my tablet. (Follow this link to Susanne's blog to join in on the FFFs. (

1. Safe travel is a major point of thankfulness.  I have been on three airplanes, numerous busses, and too many trains to count. I never never take safe travel for granted.

2. Wonderful travel companions in Ireland. For the first time,  I was on a tour. Everything was planned and cared for including most meals and all hotels and activities.  I loved it all and am enthralled with Ireland-- the land, the people, the SHEEP, the music. How thankful I am for all that I experienced in Ireland!

3.   I am thankful for so many kind and friendly people who have helped us find our way when we were lost or who merely paused to converse with us.

4.  Dreams come true for grandchildren.  Z wanted to see Taylor Swift's concert and go to Bath. Check.  Warrior Boy got to visit Tankfest and the National Tank Museum.  Check.  Tall Boy had his return visit to Corfe Castle.  Check.

Corfe Castle


Eleanor at one of the windows in a guard tower

5.  The rest of this trip is seeing places on The Professor's bucket list.  Ironbridge Gorge was amazing! We loved this small town (I could live there!), a very important place in the history of the industrial revolution of the world.  Now we are in North Wales, possibly a place from where some of his ancestors may have originated.  We are all so thankful for this amazing opportunity to travel.

I am hoping I will be able to soon post photos and more photos. Maybe it won't happen until I am back on home turf again. Stay tuned.


Tom said... travels, have a wonderful time.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a great trip! It's so cool that your were able to take your grandchildren with you! Safe travels and happy 4th of July!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a dream vacation! Sounds so wonderful! Can't wait to see all the other photos when you get back home. Meanwhile, just enjoy your travels! May God bless you with a safe and joyful journey.

ellen b. said...

So great! We enjoyed Conwy way back in 2006! From tanks to castles to Taylor of these is not like the other. :) Enjoy the rest of your time!

nikkipolani said...

Wow wow wow -- checking off bucket lists for all of you in one fell swoop. So glad you are getting to do it with family and are enjoying safe and friendly travels.

Faith said... daughters will be so jealous when I tell them I know someone who's grandchild got to see Taylor!! (We like her music here in our home).

I have IReland on our bucket list and I sure hope to get to that place soon!!

I can't wait to see your photos and I hope you have safe travels back to the States.

Susan said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful vacation. I will look forward to seeing your pictures after you come back! I am sure you will need a few days to unwind.

Melanie said...

What a wonderful opportunity to travel and see such lovely places. And yes, I certainly am always grateful for safe travel. You mentioned Disneyland in your comment on my blog. I visited Disneyland one time many, many years ago. I always felt thought that Disney World had it beat, mainly because of the sheer size. I love that place but alas now I visit it through other people's eyes. Have a great weekend and enjoy your travels. I'll look forward to seeing all your photos when you return.

Gattina said...

Wow ! what a great trip you did ! I was very often in Hastings for shopping, I love the coast there and went each year visiting a friend in Eastbourne which is just a few villages far ! And I also did the Ireland tour with Expat travelers, and was the only European on the bus ! Ireland is beautiful and the people are so friendly ! I imagine that you enjoyed it very much too ! I want to go back there !

Barbara H. said...

Wow, what a great trip! I am not a traveler, but if I were, those are places I would want to see. So glad for safety during the whole thing.

Jennifer said...

Your trip sounds amazing! How wonderful that so many things are getting checked on the lists:) Something wonderful for everyone. I have never traveled in a tour but have often wanted to look into it. Safe travels...and thanks for taking the time to put up a post!:)