Friday, August 02, 2024

August and Friends,

It is Friday and time for Friday Fave Fives (the link takes you to Susanne's blog where you can read more or join in).  It is evening here and I am sitting in the cool temperatures of my home.  It has been a busy but wonderful week.  Here are five things that I appreciate from this week.

1.  August has arrived.  So has the heat and humidity. I am thankful for air conditioning.

2.  We have had TWO groups of company over the past week.  I know that one thing I am grateful for is that they did not overlap which would have made accommodations difficult.  An MK* from Papua, Indonesia who grew up with my children drove from one state over to visit Older Daughter and to visit a college her daughter is interested in attending. Yes, her daughter was with her.  We had an absolutely delightful time hosting these two sweet ones.  Maybe the best part was listening to the two 'girls' reminisce about all their adventures as children in the jungle.  (MK* means missionary kid)

3.  On Monday we drove them to the college which is about one and a half hours away.  We were very impressed with it and with the cute town. After that, we stopped by Hocking Hills State Park and did a short hike to one of the waterfalls.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much of a falls due to the lack of rain recently.  It was more like drip, drip.  But it was still beautiful.

4. I am thankful for a young woman who comes to help me clean my house.  She had enough time to pop in and do her work before the next company arrived.

5.  It was a joy to have a couple visit us for two days/nights.  We have known S and S for nearly forty years.  Our last thirteen years in Southern California we attended the same church.  And for those eight years when I was teaching homeschool kids in the writing/composition classes, S was my boss.  While they were here, we didn't do any major trips.  Mostly we just enjoyed each others' company.    We remembered all the years. We talked nonstop. We laughed.  As I write this, they are at the airport waiting for their flight back to California.

What have been the blessings in your life this week?


Karen said...

So much joy in catching up with old friends. And having your other houseguests, too. Our house always feels best when we're sharing it with people we love. I like quiet time, too, but a houseful is fun.
We have the heat, but not the humidity. AC is a blessing for sure!

Melanie said...

It's lovely to have guests and how fantastic you were able to entertain the MK and make connections with her again! I remember many years ago hosting a foreign exchanged student for one night. Shw was from Costa Rica. Quite an experience.

We're back to 90s this week going into next here in TN and of course, it's humid. My family and friends down in Florida are facing a tropical storm this weekend into next week. I remember those days!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Wendy said...

It's been hot here too but no AC - we keep the sun out as best we can and turn on the fans then open the windows when the rooms are in shade lol. How lovely to have company (and a cleaner to help with the changeover!) I sometime feel like I'm running a B & B when the kids are here to stay but I wouldn't have it any other way. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

ellen b. said...

Hooray for a/c! I've been thinking more and more about getting a cleaner in. What sweet times with overnight company. Happy August to you!

nikkipolani said...

What a lovely week of visits and reminiscences and conversations and lots of laughs. Nice that you got in a little hike for one of those visits.

When roomie was visiting her brother in NC, they ran their AC pretty much 24/7 even with a well-insulated new home. So glad you had this gift too!

Barbara Harper said...

We're very thankful for AC here, too. How good to have company that you enjoy--and not have them overlap. :-) It's great that the lady who helps clean could come between the groups.

Jennifer said...

You have been quite busy - being hostess!! What fun and what a special blessing to have friendships that have lasted throughout the years! It is indeed hot when even the waterfalls are drying up...oh my. Yes, I am thankful for ac as well!! Happy Monday to you!