Friday, August 30, 2024


Welcome to Friday Fave Fives, my first entry on the blog since we arrived HOME.  If you are a frequent reader of Willow's Cottage, you will be familiar with FFFs; if you're not, follow THIS LINK to Susanne's blog where she hosts this weekly exercise in being thankful and finding blessings in our daily lives.

1.  We made it HOME safely.  I am thankful that The Professor is a good defensive driver.  There are crazy  drivers out there and we are glad to be home safe and sound.

2.  I am thankful that we arrived HOME to a cool house that had the AC running efficiently.  Our temperatures have been extremely high this week, in the mid to high 90s, and the humidity index has been racing to keep up with those numbers.

3.  I am thankful that we have been able to just rest a lot since we returned HOME.  Advantages of retirement are that we can travel and that when we arrive home tired, we can rest.

4. Our daughters and grandkids were appointed to try to keep our garden alive.  It wasn't easy in those hot temperatures.  But I am thankful that most all the flowers and veggies survived.  I wouldn't say that they are all thriving in this heat (but then neither am I).  However, we have had many many cherry tomatoes, an abundance of kale and plenty of carrots to enjoy.

5. Earlier this week after we were HOME, I had a minor surgery performed on my upper arm to remove a non aggressive cancer spot.  I am thankful that I have good healthcare, that my dermatologist PA recognized it and had it biopsied last month.  Now I am in the healing part of the procedure.  Cleaning.  Applying Vaseline.  Using a non-stick dressing.  Thankfully, all is going well.

These are my Five Faves, my Five Blessings from this last week of August.


Tom said...

...good, home is where the heart is.

Monica said...

So glad you are home safe and sound! There's no place like HOME.

nikkipolani said...

Ah, I'm seeing a theme here! Glad you made it home safely to a comfortably cool house and a productive garden and good medical care, too!

Susan said...

I am glad you are home. Good that you have good medical care and now you can rest. I love cherry tomatoes!

Faith said...

Oh I'm so glad you had that spot removed. I had to seek out my dermatologist last summer after noticing a brownish black spot on my back....i hadn't been to her in over 15 yrs! She said "oh honey, that's an old age spot" hahah I applied tea tree oil and it got a bit scabby and fell off. I have a lot of freckles so I always have to be checked.
There's no place like HOME and I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Yes our area also has some very crazy and way too fast drivers!
I hope you have a relaxing weekend and recover well.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So glad you are home safe and sound. That is always the best feeling. Glad you had the growth removed and that it is healing well. How nice to have cherry tomatoes to come home to! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

It is so nice not to have to rush back into the thick of things after a long trip. I know you are enjoying being home again. I think it won’t be long until beautiful fall weather comes our way.

ellen b. said...

Welcome home. Glad that spot was taken care of. I'll be seeing a dermatologist in October (the soonest I could get an appointment). Hope things cool down for you. Happy Labor Day weekend.

Barbara H. said...

So glad you made it home safely and have had time to recover. Yay for AC. I'm glad the cancer spot was caught early.

Karen said...

Welcome home! It's SO nice to be retired and able to rest from your vacation instead of hurrying back to work. One advantage of being old!
Wishing you a speedy recovery with your arm.

Julene said...

So fun to check back in! Looks like you've been busy being thankful!! So happy you could come and share a few days. And throw in a trip to the beach!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations, I am so glad that it all went well!!! Will you need stitches out?

Melanie said...

Welcome home! It's fun to travel but it's so nice to be home. I'm like Dorothy who clicks her red shoes and says, "There's no place like home!"
I'm glad to hear that your garden produce survived the heat. Good for your 'substitute gardeners!"
I had to have a basal carcinoma removed from my chin last year. I'm glad you had the one on your arm taken care of.
Have a great weekend!