Friday, September 06, 2024

September Fave Fives, Week One

Good morning! Here it is Friday, already.  AND, it's September!  Where has the year gone? Where did the week go? It's already Friday Fave Fives time. Let's get to it.

1.  Twice this week, we had coffee time with our friends T and S.  I know I mention this as a Fave often, but it is always a blessing to spend time talking with them about everything under the sun.

2.  Garden produce.  Mostly raspberries and tomatoes. So so yummy!  When I can just walk out my back door and snack on freshly ripened tomatoes, it is such a treat.

3.  Friday, we enjoyed an evening at the local Sweet Corn Festival.  The band Shenandoah performed and we had a great time.

4.  Summer weather in Ohio is not my favorite.  But now, we are seeing a bit of a drop in temperatures, and that is definitely a Fave for me.

5.  One step in the right direction with my laptop computer issues. Our local neighborhood fix it guy took a quick look at my laptop and diagnosed a problem. And he didn't charge us for his ten minutes of time because there wasn't much to do... click a couple of buttons and give it back to me.

That's a short version of my week.  How was yours?


Tom said...

...everyone needs a local fit-it-guy, what a blessing.

Susan said...

Nice that you have a drop in temperature. We are having a heatwave it isn't even noon and it is supposed to be 109! The corn festival sounds fun. Nothing better than corn on the cob with butter! Enjoy your weekend!

Sandi said...

A garden and a library. Yes!

Cathy said...

So great to have someone that can fix it for you. We all need someone like that. Glad you had fun at the festival.

Faith said...

yay for the fix it guy!!
Gardens and libraries...absolutely!! and i LOVE LOVE LOVE fresh tomatoes right off the vine. and raspberries i eat ALL the time even on my oatmeal.
love getting together with friends for coffee and chatting.
Happy weekend!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh sweet corn! I love it (but it doesn't love me! LOL). We did have some very good fresh sweet corn last week with our kids. I tried not to overdo it. 2 ears is my limit, and that's pushing it. But it was SO good. Gee, you should be starting to cool down a bit now that it is September in Ohio! I know it takes time, but soon your leaves should be changing and it will be apple picking time, right? I miss that. I'm glad you were able to get your computer fixed reasonably and easily! I had an issue with a pop up virus spam thingy today, and finally figured out that if you go to the settings for Google and check the security page, and then click on the part that says remove recent history and cookies, etc., it will get rid of those things that pop up. I was SO relieved it was an easy fix after I tried every thing else I thought would work. Whew! That was a close one! Glad you are home and enjoying friends and family and late summer early fall life! You are blessed!

Dianna said...

Loved the quote about the garden and books. Those are my thoughts exactly. 😊

It sounds as if you had a lovely week with meeting up with friends and going to the sweet corn festival.

Our grandson lives in Ohio and he loves it there. He went to college in Ohio and after graduation he actually moved to Ohio permanently to work for a law firm. The area where he lives is beautiful.

So glad that the issues with your laptop are fixed and it wasn't a major thing.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you are having a lovely late summer. Ohio is green and lovely! I love the quote about gardens and books. I have plenty of books, but my garden has not been the best this year. Perhaps it has been too hot. So glad that your laptop needed only a quick and easy fix! I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

nikkipolani said...

I hear you about the speeding year! Seems like every time I turn around, it's a Friday and then before you know it, another new week....then new month!

Connecting with your tribe is always a fave. Glad you got to do it twice!

How long does your garden produce? There is absolutely nothing like a freshly picked tomato. And fresh corn? Nothing like fresh-picked.

That is amazing that your tech guy got your laptop working again with such a quick fix! Bet you are relieved to have it fully functioning.

Melanie said...

We're having cooler temps here too! Hooray!
I love the book quote. My daughter who is a bit of a minimalist has asked me why I keep so many books that I've already read - will I ever read them again? And I respond with a resounding "Yes!" Most of my books are those I;ve read and reread.
I'm glad you have your laptop working again. That's wonderful.
Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

Those 10 minute fixes are so good! How nice to have a neighbor who knows. Tomatoes off the vine sound so yummy. Our JJ loves to pick the raspberries right off the bushes. Hooray for a cool down in weather. Cheers!

Barbara H. said...

Easy computer fixes are the best--especially when they are free! Yay for AC, fresh garden produce, and time with friends.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like such a nice week. Fairly normal and we do love those! I’m doing some garden cleanup, but my tomatoes are staying in a while longer.

Susanne said...

I'm happy you're computer had such a quick fix and that you had a local fix it guy available to help you out. Home grown tomatoes are the best. It's very hot here this weekend but looks like some cooling is coming this week. I'm ready for it.