Friday, September 13, 2024

FIRE, HOPE and a Few Other Faves

 Good Friday Morning!  I hope your week has gone well.  Mine was busy although I was able to find some time to relax and rest.  Our weather has been hot and dry.  Even so, we have been able to do some work in the garden and take a few short walks in the evenings when the temperatures cooled down a bit.  As I looked back over the past week to choose my Friday Fave Fives, this is what bubbled up to the top.  (the link takes you to Susanne's blog where you can find other bloggers who have written their FFFs, too)

1.  Bargain hunting with Older Daughter.  I was looking for a couple of items and so we ventured out to explore the local thrift and bargain stores.  Score!  I found a laptop desk, the kind to use while you are sitting in your chair.  And some fall decor.  It's almost autumn!

2.  A successful episode at the dentist.  I had two very small spots on two teeth that needed attention.  I greatly appreciate my very skilled and caring dentist who spent at least half his time with me refilling vials and pushing needles into my gum to continue to numb the area.  Evidently, I do not have "normal nerve pathways" (to quote the dentist) so I don't respond to normal anesthetics in a normal way.  But in the end, I am fine, and he was relieved to have me out of the chair all healthy and even more relieved than he was.  I am very grateful for such a kind, caring and competent dentist.

3.  Several coolish evenings this week meant we could have bonfires.  I love to sit out on our patio and just relax while I watch the flames.

ready to light the FIRE!

4.  Hair cut!  I love my hair stylist!

5.  Two Bible Studies I am part of began this week and are both studying the same book-- Revelation.  I love that one had a statement that the main topic is HOPE!


nikkipolani said...

Two studies at once on Revelation -- kind of like Revelation in stereo. Hope you have a profitable and hopeful study in both.

When I read "FIRE", I though maybe you had wildfires in Ohio as well! And then I remembered that you have actual autumnal weather. That's a terrific fire pit on your own patio.

Congrats to both you and your dentist for a successful visit. Your description made me wince.

Was just talking to someone about how shopping with a purpose usually results in not finding what was sought -- but you did it!

Susan said...

We have had several fires going here in So CA. It is so sad to see. I hate going to the dentist and need to schedule a cleaning. Enjoy your new studies!

Tom said...

...I love a good bargain too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun it must be shopping with your daughter!! Two bible studies on the same book at the same time, yikes! You will become an expert on Revelation!

Kara said...

I love your fire pit! I live in a historic (pre-revolutionary/revolutionary war) part of town and most of the homes here don't have yards big enough to support a fire pit. I love them though and always enjoy sitting around them at friend's houses. I love thrift/vintage shopping. It's always an adventure and even more so when you get to spend time with your daughter!

Susanne said...

How fun to go bargain shopping with your daughter and to score a good deal on something. Two bible studies on revelation at the same time, wow, you are going to be well versed in the topic! Love your fire pit. I've always wanted one. Glad you had a good dental visit with a caring doctor.

Barbara Harper said...

How fun to find just what you need at a thrift store. I get jittery enough at the dentist--if I didn't have normal nerve patterns, I don't know what I'd do! I'm glad your dentist knew how to handle it and all went well. Yay for good haircuts! I hope to get one next week. I like what Nikkipolani said about Revelation in stereo. :-) Our Bible study is covering 2 Corinthians this year and Sunday School is going over selected psalms. Both have been a blessing so far, two sessions in.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful that you are able to have bonfires already! I am looking forward to that whenever it cools down a bit more, and maybe having some "s'mores". Oh my, two studies at the same time in the book of Revelation? That should be interesting! I've been wanting to do a study in Revelation again. It's been a long time, and I feel like we are getting closer and closer... Our Ladies' Bible study started back up this past week. We are still in the book of Luke. We started it in the spring, but stopped for the summer, and have picked it back up where we left off. It's a good study too. Hope you have a lovely week ahead!!

Faith said...

bargain shopping is so much fun! Glad you scored something you wanted!
LOVE time at our firepit..yours is pretty.
WOW TWO studies on Revelation?? I joined a class for every Wed AM called Nothing to Prove (based on John) and I'm leading a book study called Loving People who are Hard to Love by Joyce Meyer. I'vve never led one of her studies so it should be fun. We begin our first discussion on Tues evening. There are 8 of us.
Oh I don't like GOING to the dentist but I love my dentist and now he has 2 sons who are helping him and will take over the practive when he retires. His 2 daughters are in different fields and don't even live locally any longer. I'm glad you got the teeth done and were pain free.
I hope you have a wonderful start to the week.

Gattina said...

I like bargain hunting too, especially when I find something ! I once even found a computer in it's origin package, it was from a young man who hadn't been happy with his Christmas gift, because he couldn't play enough games on it ! I was happy, I don't need games but a computer for blogging and letters !