March Photo a Day. March 2. Dream. When I think of the word dream, my mind immediately envisions my dream place-- the beach. Today I am dreaming of the beach. All the Pacific Ocean beaches where I would walk and wade and watch the waves. Imperial, Silver Strand, Huntington, Ocean, Redondo, Manhattan, Pismo, Hendry's, Santa Barbara, Emma Wood, Thornhill-Broome, Ventura, Rockaway. Just to name a few.
It was hard to choose just one. Point Mugu Beach along Pacific Coast Hwy, Ventura County, Ca. The closest beach to our home. I dream of walking there again.
...this beach bum is with you!
Beautiful photo...I know it is hard to live in the midwest after living near the coast! I've done both, and now I enjoy knowing the beach is not that far away (about an hour's drive plus or minus depending on traffic), but we rarely ever get there anymore, mainly because of the traffic. Hubby doesn't enjoy driving in heavy traffic and neither do I, so unless someone else takes us, I doubt we'll go. But at least I know it's there if I want it.
I wouldn't mind walking on that beach again.
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