Friday, March 07, 2025

Marching Along

On this Friday afternoon, I am watching our weather do another 180 turn and go from sunshine to clouds to snow flurries.  By midweek, the temperatures will be back in the 60s.  You never know from week to week what the weather will be.  That's like life.  But I try to be thankful for life and for weather whatever it looks like.  That's why I join in sharing my Friday Fave Fives each week.

1. I started out the weekend/week by fighting a cold.  Although I wasn't all that sick, I decided to stay home and rest and not expose other people.  That's not the fave part (except the rest). The fave is that The Professor took such good care of me.

2. By Monday, I was feeling ok so we drove the half hour to the outskirts of Columbus and did some grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and Costco.  Younger Daughter met us after that at Capital One Cafe and we enjoyed some relaxing time together.  After that, we grabbed lunch at Bibibop and headed home.  I am thankful we live near enough to some of our children that we can just get together for a good chat.

3. Tuesday was dentist appointments.  The fave there for me is that I got the 'all clear' from the dentist and hygienist.

4.  That afternoon, Younger Daughter and I took her two dogs for a three mile walk along the river.  The weather was perfect.  And we wore those puppies out

5.  Last night, our grandson Warrior Boy played in the high school band performance.  I think my favorite piece was the Armenian Rhapsody.  I'm so proud of how far this boy has come in his baritone playing and just life generally.

I hope you are finding blessings in every day, even those times when you have to look a bit deeper to find them.


Faith said...

Oh how wonderful to get a 3 mile river walk in and also attend your grandson's band performance! American Rhapsody is a great one! I love gershwin and usually only hear that done with orchestras not bands!
I'm glad you didn't get super sick. Husband's stepping up to care about us is a definite blessing!
Today we have a temp of 40 but it truly felt like 20 when my morning group was here for our monthly meditative walk. the wind has been brutal today! but at least it's sunny and we know the temps will warm up next week. I'm so ready for real hiking!
have a lovely weekend

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi! You had a busy week. It's good that you had a lot time outdoors and also with your family. Glad you didn't get too sick. I hope that March is a good month for you. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Glad you got better quickly and got to enjoy walks and concerts!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So glad your cold didn't take over! It's wonderful that you were able to do all of the things you were able to do with your family after all! That 3 mild hike with the pups was really amazing! I'm so happy for you that you could attend your grandson's concert. That's really special, and I know it meant a lot to him. Yes, our weather has been topsy turvy this week as well, but still, no chance of snow! Still, it's been chilly and windy, but thankfully sunny and bright. Spring is marching right in right on time. Have a great weekend.

Tom said...

...I hope that you are enjoying a Marvelous March.

Barbara Harper said...

Our weather has been up and down, too. I'm glad you're feeling better from your cold, had good care when you weren't feeling well, and the dentist appointment went well. How fun to get in some walking time and see your grandson in the band.

nikkipolani said...

So true about life circumstances.

We, too, had a little swing in temperatures, but nothing like yours! Hope you avoid that cold altogether. That outing of shopping and visiting and lunch sounds fun.

How lovely that you got in a walk while the weather accommodated. And such a great way to celebrate Warrior Boy's achievements.