Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hadrian's Wall

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Mid Summer's Day
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day

Monday, June 12, 2006

It is amazing how much lavender one can grow in an inner city courtyard garden. I have four plants in the ground and four in pots. Three of the plants do not produce lavender worthy of drying but the other five have bloomed their little hearts out this spring. I have eight bunches of lavender drying in the house right now and the plants are still covered with budding stalks. A swarm of ants got into one of the bunches and I had to put it outdoors. I have never heard of ants liking lavender; I didn't realized that there is anything ant-edible in lavender. Weird, huh?
We are off now to REGISTER for wedding gifts, visit the stationers and look at a reception site. I think an hour in Target is about all either Mia or I will be able to handle. I am easily overwhelmed by any store and I think the housewares and bath sections have a particularly strong effect on me. I'm sure I'll need fortifying with coffee and then with dinner before Precepts.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
A Cold in the Garden
So. I didn't go to church this morning because I didn't sleep well* and because I didn't want to spread my germs everywhere. I am sad because John and Dan were team teaching the adult Sunday School class today.
I decided to spend some time in the cloud/sun in the courtyard. I repotted and fertilized the three tomato plants, the basil and the Temple Flame bouggainvillea. Then I moved the plants to the shady side of the courtyard in anticipation of being out of town for a wedding in a couple of weeks, to make it easier for someone to water and to keep the pots from drying out too much if that someone forgets to water. Then I watered everything and washed down the two courtyards. A lovely way to spend a pleasant convalescing Sunday morning. Except for...
the slugs. I hate slugs. I think that they must be on the very bottom of the food chain. I cannot see any reason for their existence except to annoy me. When I see a slug, I kill it. My usual method of disposal is as follows:
ME upon seeing the slug(s): Little Slug, do you want to see God?
Little Slug: Yes!
ME: OK, let me help you!
Then I either stomp on it or cut it in half with a stone or garden tool.
Tammy asked John the other day whether he is concerned that I talk to the slugs, but I figure if it's a problem I'll just have to go to therapy.
Today, however, I found so many slugs under the pots that stomping and cutting were too slow. So, against my better judgment (for humane reasons and for concern over my garden environment) I used the -- (scary music) -- salt shaker --(more scary music). I quit counting oozing slugs after 20. And, no, I don't feel like a guilty murderer. Because I hate slugs and refuse to coexist with them in my garden. They can have the wilds of Northern CA and the Pacific Northwest, but not my garden.
*I sort of fell asleep for a while to the sounds of the dueling bands in the neighborhood. Two groups with distinctly different music tastes (loud, bass thumping vs. mariachi) cranked up their speakers to see who could annoy the most people. It was a tie. But once I woke up from an extra loud series of songs sung off key by progressively more drunken soloists, I couldn't go back to sleep until after 3am when the partyers had all passed out. Noisy nights are among the most annoying parts of inner city living.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Knitting Slump

On the garden front, I have picked a few very small roses from my David Austen Mayflower bush. I'm not sure why the blooms are so small. They look like miniature roses. No stinting on the fragrance, though.
John cut the grass so after 4pm I'll water all my little pots. The three heirloom tomatoes are coming along nicely. The basil is growing slowly. This week I cut four bunches of lavender to dry and I'm only half finished gathering the stalks. The bouggainvillea needs a serious trim as do the lantana. That's a task for next week.
June Gloom is here and I like it. I enjoy "early morning fog and low cloudiness giving way to sunshine later in the day." I don't like cold and I don't like hot.
Friday, June 09, 2006

This is actually a rose photo I took at Kew Gardens in London in June 2004. I spent a lot of time and a full roll of film in the rose garden.
We enjoyed our trip to England so much and I regularly go back and look at the album I made. John likes to take my photos and make jigsaw puzzles from them with his brainsbreaker program.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
A Picture!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Emma Woodhouse
Elizabeth Bennet
in the Jane Austen characters quiz!
Thanks, Sereknitty, for a fun quiz.