Run, Run
As Fast As You Can!

You Can't Catch Me!
I'm a Quail...Man.
I can only catch these fast, funny little creatures with my camera, and then it's hard to corner them to get any kind of shot. There are quail "everywhere" in our neighborhood, scampering between the houses, jumping on our roofs, hiding in the bushes, running across the streets like naughty five year olds.

They are amazing feathered friends.
They are really funny! I don't think we have quail around here.
hehe... I like your little ryhme. :o)
nothing to do with this post, but if you haven't seen this knitter's blog, check it out:
i've been wanting to learn to knit and well whoa!
My husband hatched out some quail in an incubator. For the longest time they would follow him around the yard. We live in a wooded area, and over a period of time they all disappeared. I hope to better lives, but I fear they became food for some other animals.
That Quail, Robert is a cute book written by Margaret Stanger about a quail that lived as a pet in the Stanger's home on Cape Cod.
Great pictures, Willow! You have captured their whimsical nature :-)
Do they lelave yu any eggs?
Love it. Next spring, when the babies show up, we want more pictures!!
Ahhh, very cute and I like the rhyme.
Thanks for the comment on the blue. The funny thing is that I have a lot of blue in the house too but just don't seem to wear it, soon to change...
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