The original sweater had one panel of wave of honey cable going up the sleeve.

In an attempt to add more cables and use less moss stitch, I am including an aran diamond with moss stitch panel between two wave of honey cables. Because of the gauge change I have added 12 stitches to the width of the sleeve, which of course means more bobbles.

I have typed up the sleeve instructions, so I am going to print them out and take them with me to knitting group tonight and see how much of the sleeve I get done. I am going to take my time on this sweater and really try to do a good job on it. I really don't want to have to make a third one.
On the work front things are going well. I work with a really great teacher and the entire staff has a positive attitude. We have a full roster of kids now and this week there have been no criers. That's progress!
I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night! I am replete with satisfaction. I won't post any spoilers because I know Kiti hasn't read book seven yet. Now I am on to a new series by Maggie Sefton. I have just started Knit One, Kill Two. What a great read: murder mystery and knitting in the same book!
Your sweater is beautiful so far! Glad to hear school is going well!!
This is so beautiful and I am sure well worth the effort.
Hope you do get to the Cotswolds one day. All so beautiful, but for now you can enjoy the journey with me.
If you come to the London area you will be welcome at my home. We have meals, beds as well as the garden!!
Reading your knit talk is like reading a foreign language for me, but it's fascinating to see the intricacies of your project. Beautiful work!
Sorry I missed knitting last night- the beginning of the school year is so busy! Hope to make it next week- your sweater looks lovely- I hope to see it in person!
Oooh, clever stuff, I am sure it will be beautiful.
I recently finished The Deathly Hallows too, great read.
You are so smart to knit a child's sweater. The aran diamond is a nice addition. Good choice. And good luck!
beautiful work. and lovely blog.
Your comments are very kind.
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