I am endeavoring to ignore the loud roar of the three large blowing machines that the water damage service team positioned in our rooms this afternoon to start the drying out process in the hope we can avoid mold and mildew forming. The noise is constant so it is not so annoying as it is 'intruding' on my thoughts.
So I decided to focus my attention on some lovely photos of spring flowers. Today I'm wearing a pink sweater so I am looking at PINK blossoms.
Pink Geraniums

Another type of pink geranium, this one with orange centers.

A small pink succulent ground cover.

Tiny, delicate Pink lantana flowers.

And last, but certainly not least, flowering peach blossoms from my cousin's garden in the mountains of Northern Arizona.

The state of the hot water heater is the same. Leaky, turned off, awaiting replacement. We're hoping to have options from the insurance company this afternoon so we can decide if we want their plumber to replace it or take the buy out and replace the water heater ourselves. In the meantime, we are heating our dish washing and hair washing water and asking friends for shower privileges.
Another something going on this week is the acquisition of old railroad ties and the shoring up of our back garden which is on a hillside. We have been offered the railroad ties and need to get them here to Willow's Cottage and make sure we have the workers lined up to help us position and anchor them properly.
When it rains, it pours.
Indeed it does! I'm so sorry to hear about your water heater -- there's nothing worse than leaks AND no showers. I hope it gets fixed fast :)
I certainly enjoyed the photos of your pink flowers, especially the plum blossoms. If I remember correctly, they are quite fragrant.
I have missed a couple of posts and just now saw your New Boy. He is adorable. You must be very proud.
No problem with the meme. I didn't really tag anyone. I always give people a choice and I certainly understand that there is much going on in your world right now. Praying for all to come together so you have hot water once again.
What a lovely tranquil pink post amidst the turmoil of water heater woes. Thank you Willow! I hope that you are able to get all dried out very soon and get hot water flowing freely once again.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
hope you are now feeling 'in the pink'!
my e-mail is
hope your water problems get sorted out?
no water is no fun.
We leave for London Thurs pm. to see my brother and wife
then back to morocco on Sunday.
too much traveling for me.
A new blog friend is "Willow Manor". You should 'visit' her. Lovely pictures and she loves books!
She is on my blog roll.
Oh my goodness! Yikes! I'm sorry about your water heater and your camera. It is an inconvenience.
Your pink flower pics are lovely and hope they bring you some respite. :)
Beautiful pictures.... my very favourite colours too, I feel in complete harmony with pinks and greens.
I do sympathise with your water problems, its something that I feel we do take for granted..... its only when its not available to us that we realise how it disrupts and inconveniences our lives. Right now our central heating boiler is not operating properly, so hot water is somewhat spasmodic, needless to say our showers a very brief. Heating engineer should have arrived yesterday, here’s hoping he’ll get to us today. Hope you get your fixed very soon too. Marion
Hi Willow - nice to catch up with you again. Hope you are all dried out. Our house in Aust got hit with a fierce storm last year and we had water in some of it - not fun!!!
Lovely spring blooms too.
of all the flowers, i just LOVE the cherry blossom, the only ones we see are imported and half dead ones during chinese new year..and havent seen the rest over here too, must be the weather
After being gone for a week it is nice to come back, see your smiling face and the baby in your arms. The girls are as beautiful as ever!
Time and a lot of noise will take care of the water issues. These things happen and they are so annoying!
We send a great big hug and understand!
Lovely pinks. I hope that works with the hole blower thing. Leaks are about the worst thing to deal with as a home owner, from a roof... or a hot water heater. Oh and there's nothing like wearing pink in the spring!
You do have a lot going on at Willow Cottage! Good thing you've got pink to keep you distracted ;-) Hope the options for the water heater get resolved soon soon soon!
All those pink shades are very lovely....
You do have a lot going on. At least it's not raining real rain!
Wow lots of fun in your household it seems. Our lives are pretty "boring" or normal this past month. Just busy with the day to day stuff I guess.
I too am contemplating the use of railroad ties to make a retaining wall for a garden in my yard. But I have been discouraged not to use them especially if for a vegetable garden, the old cresote from the ties could leach into your soil and then into your vegetables, if that is what you may plant.
Just a thought.
Hi Willow-
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting this morning.I loved this post as I adore flowers of all kinds.Hope that you ahve hot water and soon.Blessings~Sharon :-)
Your photos are so pretty! I was thinking as you were explaining what happened, that you of all people could deal with this problem better than most people! I will say prayers for you guys, that it gets resolved quickly. After such a nice trip away, this really wasn't a good thing to come back to, was it?!! Hang in there! Whenever things go wrong, they're about to go right!
I'm sure tht is a nicer focus than the leaky water tank. I do hope it get sorted quickly for you though as those things are tiresome when one is busy.
As you are showing off your grandbaby I have just posted mine!!!
Willow... I forgot to add that your welcome to come stay with us if you want to fly out to Lancaster!!! I'll de-germ the house! At least we have hot water!!! And everyone is feeling better this afternoon!
Love all the pink! Looking forward to hearing "the tank is in and we've got hot water!!!"
I did a little editing on my blog and after finishing I noticed you had been to visit me! :))
What's new today? We know about huge fan noise!!
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