I'm back now and, while I did make two batches of freezer raspberry jam, I started teaching this morning and haven't settled in to any school year routines yet.
Plans for this week:
1. Find curtains or curtain material for the guest room windows.
2. Sew Kiti's skirt.
3. Mail off two packages. These are two custom orders for knitted bunnies. The bunnies are ready to move to their new homes. All I need to do is print out information on my knitting business and on how to care for the bunnies.
Here is a photo of the first bag I sewed and sent to MamaMia!

Cute bag! I'm glad the bunnies are soon off to their new homes. Wow two batches of freezer jam! You really get a lot done at your little cottage...
Well Willow, I've been working so hard, at that...and I'm glad I have taken a bit of time from blogging because I have accomplished things on my own scale, that maybe no one else will notice. But it feels good already.
Very cute bag - bright and cheery!
How is school going?
Love that bag!
Mmm, raspberry jam is the very best sort of jam.
I do love the bag. Glad you are back and hope school works well.
I love the cherry print! What a great bag!
I can't believe you have a list for this week! :)) Keep knitting all the beautiful things you do!! Bunnies are important!!
Perfect bag...and when did you make that?
Hi, Willow! We're just back from travels too...and feeling the jet lag--LOL! It's great to be back and catching up with you here. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead...The jam sounds so delicious, love raspberries! And being a lover of bags and bag-making your first bag is terrific--LOVE the cheery, cherry fabric! Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
Hi Willow
I just came back from vacation too. So. California was wonderful!
The bag you made is very pretty. I can't wait to see the bunny!
Lovely bag. I do like cherry flavoured things. Strangely the smell reminds me of Christmas. Weird!
I'm not even looking at my list- it's scarey! I made a different list of what I hope to get through just today instead and that's been busy enough. Lists give such a feeling of accomplishment. :-)
Ooo bunnies. Hope there's a pic soon.
It sounds to me like a lot of doing is happening there! Those bunnies are wonderful, btw...
Welcome home. Sorry our paths didn't intersect when you were up here, but it sounds as if you had a grand time without me! ;-)
Love the cheery cherry bag. Nice and sturdy, and not so big that you can load in more than you can carry.
That bag is just too cute!!! I love the cherries! Great job!
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