I was wondering if I could come up with five. As I reviewed the week in my mind, I thought, "How can I choose just five?!"
1. The Knit and Crochet Show in Portland, Oregon. It deserves its own post. The highlight for me was being called to the platform at the dinner and receiving my Master Knitter pin. And. Lily Chin was standing right there!

2. Coming home. The Professor, Kiti and The New Boy braved the LA freeways to pick me up. We stopped to see Son Number Two on the way home and have a late lunch with him.
3. Babysitting The New Boy. His mama had a class one evening this week, so I got to have him all to myself for a few hours. We took a walk. I followed my usual several thousand step route with hills to climb, but I pushed a stroller. That makes for a good workout. The bonus was that the walk put The New Boy to sleep. He has become ambulatory and can get himself in to the most interesting places and positions from which he can't yet extricate himself, thus providing hours of entertainment for his grandmother.

4. School days. I am working in First Grade this year, which means that the students I had in Kindergarten last year are my students again this year. I loved it when I walked in the room and several little voices piped up, "Hi, Mrs. Willow!" and "It's Mrs. Willow!"
5. A phone call from Chaplain Dan. Calls from your kids are no big deal, unless those kids are many, many thousands of miles away in war zones. Then those calls are pretty special.
Yay for a phone call! That's your son? I appreciate all they do in and for the military. And what a cutie pie you babysat! That's always fun; my daughter has a little guy who's just taking steps. Thanks for stopping by!
Lovely pics. Yes hearing from your children when they are far away is very special.
Fabulous Five Willow. I so love the photos of New Boy under the whatever! So darn cute! I'm glad the old big boy called you too!
Wonderful Fave Fives! I am glad you were able to talk with your son - I can't imagine. Please thank him for us. Your grandson is too cute ~ my daughter is having twins in March - our first grandbabies ! I am more than a little bit excited! Master Knitter - I wish you lived closer so you could teach me. I am a leftie and haven't had much luck learning on my own! So for now I keep working on my rug hooking - which is a wonderful hobby. Happy back to school with those wonderful first graders - a grade I taught for ten years! Enjoy.
Hello Willow, that picture of your grandson is priceless..he really knows how to move around. Happy weekend to you :D
What a great fave five. Applause to your military son! And how sweet to get a phone call from him. I'll bet that made your day!
The Baby is so cute and what great pics.
I can just imagine the challenge of getting the young man out from his hiding spot.How lovely that you received a phone call.
Ambulatory baby boys can be very fun. Wait 'til he starts pulling up ... and is afraid to drop down. :) Little C has been practicing his sitting-from-standing. It's so cute.
Glad you got that special call!
And having your grandbaby for an evening a week is real treat - I can hardly wait for those days :)
Sounds like a good week!
If I knit some Satna's Elf hats, labled as such, and sent them to Chaplain Dan, do you think he would find some use for evidence of Santa? I can see some soldier waking up with a wrapped present beside him, and a crumpled hat just inside the door. Or soldiers wearing the hats and handing out gifts. I have some lables thanks to Dave Daniels, and woke up with the notion that our armed forces could use some Santa magic.
The new boy is a delight.
I'm jealous.......
Yes, a phone call from one's son is always a great treat.
I pray for his safety and for all those in dangerous and difficult situations.
I loved this your new boy and your not so new boy .. far away .. were my favorites. .
Aww... two of my favorite boys are in your Five Faves! Yay! :o) Hooray for Master Knitter's recognition! loves you!
The new boy is growing fast. Cute.
Glad Dan is fine and I know how much you loved his call.
Congrats. in the win. Like the picture, especially near the kitchen.
:) What a great list of happy things! And your grandson is SOOOO cute!!! I bet those little students are too and they obviously love you a lot!
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