Busy weeks are often great weeks. This was a busy week and some wonderful things happened.
1. Daffodils.
From the Food Pantry where I serve on Thursdays.

2. Visit to Long Beach on Sunday.
The Professor and I visited the church where we had worshipped when we lived in Los Angeles. It was primarily to attend a meeting for sponsors of children orphaned by AIDs in Uganda through
Ugandan Lambs, a ministry of the church. We sponsor a wonderful, sweet and, now very tall, boy named Daniel who lives in Uganda. We saw photos and videos of him, received handwritten letters from him, and heard eye witness reports of his school progress and his development in to a lovely young man whose mechanical and technical abilities may earn him a place in a vocational school after he graduates from 'high school'. We treasure his letters to us, his "Mum and Dad".
3. Visit to Manhattan Beach, also on Sunday.
We arranged to drop by a brunch celebrating the baptism of a little boy, infant son of Son Number Two's coworker to deliver a little blue sweater (sorry, no photo!). We are acquainted with the coworker and his wife so it was fun to be invited to see him and cuddle him a little. Then, after the brunch, we spent a few hours with Son Number Two and also with a close friend who was my walking buddy when I lived in LA. I miss living near this friend and we just chatted up a storm while The Professor and Son #2 discussed and solved all the world's problems. A moonlight drive home along the Pacific coastline through Malibu was the perfect ending to a perfect day.
4. A little kudo at work.
Someone mentioned that she overheard a supervisor praise the way I write up my students' progress reports. A little encouragement can go a long way to cheer me up!
5. California poppies.
The sun has been shining and on our walks Ellen and I have seen so many flowers blooming. I think the California poppies bloom biggest and brightest in late winter/early spring.

The Professor asked me why I didn't post a photo of my sssuper sssnakey valentine, so I took a snapshot of it to share the love.

To share in the joy of others' weeks, go to Susanne's blog
Living To Tell The Story.