Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
I am posting in the evening because we didn't have electricity most of the day here at Willow's Cottage. It caused inconvenience but for The Professor and me, it's not a disaster. We lived for many years without electricity when we were in Indonesia. We just unplugged the laptops and refrigerator and left to walk at Ventura State Beach. A nonfat hot chocolate and a good walk made my heart happy. So did spending the afternoon with The Professor.
This has been a day of sunshine and wind, a calm between two rainstorms.
My plum tree is confused. It thinks spring has already arrived.

My brother and others in the Pacific Northwest are reporting snow!
Here it's snowing plum petals.
I would prefer plum petals to snow any day...LOL
Willow, have just spent some time looking at your blog, loved the walk through the woods, the toy bear hiding in the grass, the little boy having such fun with the cake. Thank you!!
Thank you also for your comments on my blog, I will be posting more soon on one of the parks I go too!!
I hope your plum tree survives! I'll trade you all of our snow/ice flakes for your plum petals! :)
Happy Heart Day to you!
Hi Willow, Thankfully the snow has gone and yesterday it felt almost like spring was on its way, today is cloudy again. Your plum tree looks so pretty, The boy's birthday cake looks delicious, belated happy birthday to him. Jane x
Electricity out! Was it due to the wind or something in the neighborhood? Glad you went out and about...
No electric? Heck, knowing you and the professor, if you needed electric, he would have rigged a bicycle generator and you would have powered the neighborhood.
We got a few frozen spits of snow on Valentine's Day, but nothing that stuck. And now we're back to normal February rain.
That looks familiar! I'm loving this weather, but it's going to wreak havoc on our apricot and pear crops, since all the blossoms are getting knocked down :)
I know that the last thing our son wanted when he was in Ca was rain and storms. I kno you like them though.
So the new boy is 1 already. How time flies.Photographs are beautiful.
Sounds like a very nice Valentine's Day to me, Willow!
Sometimes it's so nice to be without electricity! Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
The weather has been crazy this year; no wonder your poor plum tree is confused! I have bulbs sprouting 6" tall in the back yard already...I hope they make it!
Hi Willow! It snows petals here, too. But not at this time of the year! Those petals are just starting to show on the trees. Where did you homeschool your kids? I so envy the years in Indonesia with no electricity. I'm going to add that to my list!
Hi Willow, we've got some of that plum blossom snow here too! The rain seems to have come and gone for now. It's chilly though.
I enjoyed the photos of The Boy's birthday too....one year already!
Yes ... Many of MY plants are confused as well ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Lovely! One of my fav things about Spring is looking up at a clear blue sky and seeing pink cherry blossoms drifting down.
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