Another week! Another Fave Five episode!

This week I noticed that as the days flew by in sunshine and rain, that my focus has been on the little things.
1. The daffodils Ellen and I saw on one of our daily walks. I realize that these might actually be jonquils. But either way, daffodils or jonquils, these little flowers blooming by a neighbor's driveway were a cheery reminder that we live in an amazing world where there is snow in England, searing heat and wildfires in Australia, and an early spring in California.

2. You may have noticed that usually my photos on this blog are of inanimate objects. Most of the time, birds see me and fly away cawing raucously at me before my camera is even focused in their direction, butterflies flitter off leaving me fumbling for my zoom button. But this little moth obligingly sat for hours on my screened window last night, basking in the light from the porch lamp, patiently waiting for me to open and shut the door numerous times, set the flash, click the camera buttons and take his picture. In fact, he was still there this morning when I left for school.

4. I have had a pile of papers, magazines and knitting patterns hanging around annoying me with their tendency to slide off their perch onto the floor and so this week I 'tackled the clutter' and organized and tossed papers. Imagine my delight to find a 'lost' address and email! I sent off a quick email note, got an immediate response and reconnected with a friend!
5. Finally, last but not least, little packages have been arriving in our mailbox this week! Could it be someone's birthday?
Other people have had fave weeks, too. Visit Susanne's blog to connect with them.
Have a Fave Week, everyone!
I am jealous of your daffodils! They are my favorite flower but its going to be a while until we see any in Chicagoland.
Oh it is lovely to see that little burst of yellow, I am eagerly awaiting the first of ours but it will be a few weeks yet I think.
way to go on tackling the clutter AND finding the email addy....that's certainly a qualifier for a weekly fave!
Hope your weekend is fabulous as well.
We won't see our daffodils/jonquils for some time to come (KC,MO! They are one of my favorite flowers! I am an inanimate object photographer, too. My little Point and Shoot camera doesn't stop action. Great moth photo! I'm pretty sure I have never read Lost Horizon--glad you had some quiet time to enjoy that opportunity!My pile of magazines has gotten out of hand---they won't stack any higher, so I guess I need to follow your lead and thin out a few! Happy FFF! Dana
Lovely, lovely moth photo. I love your fave fives!
I love it when I tackle a pile of papers and declutter my toppling towers. "Found" items are such a bonus!
Oh! A very Happy Birthday to New Boy! Wow a year does go by swiftly.
Hope your day is relaxing! The photo of that moth is great and you crack me up!
Is it your birthday?! Happy, happy birthday if it is!
Love the daffodils. We've actually had not too bad weather this last week if you can ignore the days that had crazy wind, around 60 mph, in some areas. But we are nowhere near having spring flowers come out yet.
Love to all! Christina
"Inglated" sounds like elated.... =) I hope the festivities bring elation!
I adore daffodils! I wonder when I'll get to see any around my area ...
Loved your list and hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy Birthday to the New Boy!
I eagerly await the first signs of spring!! None here, yet, but I'll enjoy those daffodils.
A quiet time to sit and read is so soothing.
I'm glad I am not the only one to unearth long lost items in clutter!! I'm glad you reconnected with your friend!
Happy Friday!
Hooray for birthdays! And I love the picture of that moth -- gorgeous :)
What cheery little yellow daffodils - I have some in a pot - and I hope they are going to bloom. But with my history I'm not holding my breath!
I have a pile of papers, books, art stuff, and knitting too (the everlasting scarf) beside my chair. You've inspired me to tackle it this weekend.
Have a great weekend Willow!
Hurray!!! Happy Birthday to you-know-who. :o) WIsh I were up there.
Ohhhh..I cannot WAIT to see flowers in my are blessed. We still have another 1 1/2 months at least of the white stuff/mud/cold here in NYS. I like the moth pic too!!
Happy Birthday, if it´s you!? I love the first daffodils after the winter. They are such a blessing and a sign that spring is not far away.
And an afternoon reading is THE luxury! Great post!
I love daffodils. They are the happiest flowers ever!
And you commented that I should "wait till my sons move out and then back in." The one I speak of has done just that. He was gone for 3 years, then moved back in last summer to go to college in our town. I just keep quiet. He's a big boy after all.
How wonderful to already have flowers in bloom! Everything is still so gray here in PA. As a knitter, have you discovered Ravelry yet?
Hi lovely pics l am glad i am not the only one with some clutter l will have to sort mine soon great picture of the moth and birthday wishes to your house,have a good weekend Pat
Ha, Ha, I have List Horizons on my end table, waiting to be read. My husband bought it a while back, thinking that we'd both enjoy it. You've inspired me now to get started reading it.
Your daffodils are pretty.. I think we might have some blooming real soon.. Loved your moth.. sometimes they can be so patient with us..LOL
Lovely fav 5. The moth is beautiful. I am always relieved when nature cooperates with my camera. :-) Ooo there were things I wanted to do to a butterfly last Summer. I don't think any of them were nice. LOL Today I saw the 1st signs of my mini "tete a tete" daffodils in bud! I think the seasons are a little muddled here.
Love that daffodils and moth shot. I wish I could be reading more and I cant stand clutter...cant stand mess at home too, that's why I am forever a slave to the home :D
I share most of your fave fives this week. Yes, we live in a glorious climate here in California. I can't photograph birds either--too quick for me too. And I did some studio de-cluttering myself yesterday. It feels great, doesn't it? AND we've also gotten some cool stuff in the mail this week too. What I love about your post is that it reminded me to be grateful for all those things. Thank you!
Love the moth photo!
And finding an address that connects you to a friend? Perfect!
The daff look wonderful.
The moth is beautiful. God even took the time to design a moth. How much more will he care for us.
My daffodils are blooming too! But the rain flattened them. I went out and rescued a few and they are now on my kitchen table.
My son came home. it yours, Willow??!! If, so...hope is was a wonderful one! :o) The sight of those happy flower have brought joy to my winter-sore eyes--thank you! Happy week ahead to you, my friend ((HUGS))
Nice fave fives!
Pretty daffodils! Ours come around in March or early April. All the snow melted here this weekend as it was a balmy 58 degrres in NY today ;-)
Have a good week!
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