Elizabeth from About New York and The House in Marrakesh played a meme last week in which she was given a letter of the alphabet and had to post photos and words beginning with that letter. She asked if others wanted to play and if so she would randomly pick a letter for them. When I let her know I would play, she asked her husband to choose a letter for her. She did not tell him who the player was, and so imagine her amazement when he chose the letter W for Willow.

Willow is my nickname. I have explained the origin of the name before but I will tell the story again. I suppose I was Willowy in my youth but that is not why I'm Willow. When I was working at a summer camp every staff member had to take the name of a bird to use during the camp weeks. Because I have blonde (yellow) hair and am short of stature, I chose the finch but I didn't want to be called Finch, so I researched different kinds of finches and found there is a Willow Finch. Hence, the name Willow was chosen.

I do like the willow plant and have had willow trees and bushes in my gardens.
My Wascally Wabbit likes willows, too.

If you are acquainted with me at all, you will know that I love wool.

Willow is my nickname. I have explained the origin of the name before but I will tell the story again. I suppose I was Willowy in my youth but that is not why I'm Willow. When I was working at a summer camp every staff member had to take the name of a bird to use during the camp weeks. Because I have blonde (yellow) hair and am short of stature, I chose the finch but I didn't want to be called Finch, so I researched different kinds of finches and found there is a Willow Finch. Hence, the name Willow was chosen.

I do like the willow plant and have had willow trees and bushes in my gardens.
My Wascally Wabbit likes willows, too.

If you are acquainted with me at all, you will know that I love wool.
I am interested in weaving, and the history of all woollen textile crafts. These whorls caught my attention in a museum in Oxford.I love to walk in the woods.
I enjoy walks by the water.
What fun it is to find walks by the water where willows grow.

I enjoy walks in the Western wilderness.
Wiley Coyote will wander back into the woods if you get too close.
I love to wade in the waves.

Other W words include windows,

windmills, wagons, werewolves, warlocks, wagers, whisper, wiggleworm, wasp, wigwam, wart, well, wheel, wisteria, whistle, weep, wail, waxwing, whale, wheat. I could go on and on, but you get the way my mind works.
Wait! (W)One more!
I love white roses.

If you wish to play this meme, let me know and I'll ask The Professor to choose a letter for you!
Wow! Wonderful...
What a fun post....
I would love to play the game, but I will have to wait for the week of Feb.16th. I would be more than honored to have a Professor give me another task...
Very much enjoyed your W tribute, Willow...and finding out how you came by your nickname--lovely! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
Waxing whimsical, are we? Yes, I would like to play too, please.
I always wondered what Willow meant. I have a puppy named Willow - I chose it because it sounded calm and peaceful - very unlike this particular puppy!
Beautiful pictures!
What a Wild Way to Post
Ooh! Excellent post :) I love those pictures (especially the coyote -- nice).
That is a great meme and some great W words.
And now I have tagged you for ANOTHER meme. Stop by to see it.
WOW..what a great way to present all the W's. Loved the name and wonder if Willow grows here in Asia. I only know of pussy willows brought in from China here. Great W's, very creative too.
OH fun. . .I think you forgot how much you love your wee one .. .the new boy. . .
I so enjoyed your W exercise.
This was a fun and interesting meme and I liked your answers Willow.
Gorgeous W post and I must have missed the origin of Willow when you posted it previously so thank you for telling us again.
Love your wonderful "w"s! Especially your walks by water and waves.
That's a great post, I so enjoyed it!!
Your did a great job with the letter "W" Willow, and I loved learning the origin behind your nickname!
Hi Willow!
I'd too love to play, but I'm afraid my attempts at coming up with something so classy and whimsical as yours would be woefully mundane. Your pictures are so beautiful! Let me think about it- when I'm ready I'll let the professor know :)
Your SteppeSister
I love walking by water and those pictures are just beautiful!
Well, what can I say....a wonderfully witty work of writing, what a word wizard you are, Willow!
This was fun to read. I love you answers and the photos that go with them. Willow is such a beautiful name.
I just came back to check out your alphabet meme...your wonderful uses of the letter W. A fun post...Willow!
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