Welcome to another one!
My faves this week are:
1. The Professor had a birthday. We celebrated quietly, which was his request. He shares his birthday with my mother, so we always smile and remember her, too.
2. An episode involving a cell phone and The New Boy made my week. It seems that THB has learned how to use his mama's cell phone to call his grandpa. This week, I answered The Professor's cell because he was driving and heard squealing and giggling. It took only a quick glance at the incoming number to realize, 'Ah, it's TNB again.' He has been able to manipulate the keys on the phone for a couple of months, but until this week it seemed that his calls were random. Now, hmmm. We think he knows he's calling Grandpa and is trying to respond to the voice he hears coming from this fantastic toy he finds in Mama's handbag.
3. The Professor and I drove to Solvang, a Danish town north of Santa Barbara. We had an errand at Village Spinning and Weave Shop, the mecca of all spinners and weavers in Southern California.

After picking out our (um, MY) purchases and stowing them in the car, we strolled around Solvang, had lunch and poked our heads in to various shops.
4. Through all the years I have been visiting Solvang, I have always stopped in to Thumbelina Needlework to gaze at the beautiful Danish cross stitch patterns. Today we stepped in to that wonderful little shop and reminisced about all the items I've purchased-- the thimbles, scissors, skeins of thread, aida cloth.

I have always loved Carl Larsson's paintings and Thumbelina has carried the cross stitch patterns of his work. The clerk (I suspect he is the owner) graciously offered to let me photograph my favorite (which was covered in protective plastic). Some day I'd love to stitch this picture.

you know... for a while now i have thought about joining you in this friday fave five thing. seems like a great way to end up the week... remembering things to be thankful for. and maybe also something to keep me writing. :)
I favourite this week..would be this evening - which has not happened yet. Hubby and me will have some quiet time for dinner and stroll around somewhere. Happy weekend Kak Willow, hugs....M
Great list this week. I really enjoyed the read. Love the cell phone story Excellent. Happy FFF
The signs on the shops are so unique and cozy!
I have done some cross-stitching in the past so I'm not quite craft illiterate. And I love Carl Larrson's work - that might be just enough inspiration to try one this winter.
Your boy and the cell phone story is cute - my "practice grandboy" has learned the same little trick - he was speed dialing the whole family :)
An early happy 4th Willow!
Oh a birthday and an outing...what fun! That is hilarious that new boy managed to dial grandpa!! Missing our walks! Have a great 4th!
Great list - I have read about Solvang and longed to visit there - your pictures have made me move it farther up on the "Places to Visit List"!
What a wonderful week. And congratulations to the professor on celebrating another anniversary of his natal event!
Do that cross-stitch while you still have the eyes for it. Things happen so fast at our age.
What a beautiful cross stitch...
Oh, I can hear all the squeals in your car as you are driving along.
It must be nice to have you Prof. friend share outings with you.
Have a Happy Celebrative Day tomorrow.
Cute baby and cellphone story.
That cross stitch is lovely. I'd love to wander through those shops!
Oh my goodness! I think I would LOVE to visit Solvang! What a quaint little town it appears to be!
Don't you just love to answer the phone and find those "little voices" on the other end! I DO!
Happy birthday to the professor. No. 2 is cute :-) I love that Village Spinning and Weaving, the Thumbelina...and the photo of the painting - they are the kind of things that hold a spot in my heart. happy friday!
What a nice week you had. It was a good week for special birthdays!! Visiting Solvang would be a highlight for anyone! There is so much charm in one little town!
Love the phone story. We a similar call and it is the best!!
Sounds like another great week. I would have liked to visit Solvang with you!
Sorry I'm late coming by today -- the yard sales were a bust! I didn't buy a thing, so I went regular shopping :(
Looks like a beautiful trip. My favorite thing that I did this week was... mmm, let's see... seeing lots of ducks walking around, and knowing their babies will probably hatch soon. :)
It doesn't take long for kids to learn to phone their grandparents. Brandon's been phoning me since he was two.
Looks like you and the Professor had a great time. Enjoy the weekend.
What a lovely sounding trip to Solvang, Willow. I haven't been in ages though I do recall the pretty signs and interesting shops. Happy Fourth to you!
Happy Birthday wishes to the Professor!
I love that Carl Larsson in cross stitch! So sweet...
Solvang is my favorite of all places ever! Have you ever gone to the outdoor theater fest? They used to put on musical productions during the Summer months.
Yes, the yarn shop is fab and Thumbelinas is wonderful but how about those Danish pastries :))))
The interesting days you did enjoy, enchanting with lots of jest& fun.I am glad .
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