Fiber optics, that is. Yesterday morning, road construction workers about 2 miles from Willow's Cottage cut through 1,000 feet of main fiber optic cable, causing a loss of phone, internet and cell phone service in a large part of our county. Instead of cruising around on the net, I painted patio furniture (wow, that's a long slow job) and spun up some more of the superwash wool I purchased at the Knit and Crochet Show in Portland in May. Sometimes, it's not so bad to be deprived of instant access to the universe.

Willow .. so glad you were able to be constructive once faced with isolation.
Your new header picture is amazing. .such vibrant colours.
Like your new header. Poor thing no internet? Yikes but at least ya got something else done. Great pictures :)
When these things happen you just have to accept it, like when the snow is so bad you can't get out. Sounds like you made really good use of the time, love the yarn.
It's not so bad to be TEMPORARILY deprived of access to the universe.
lovely yarn. And I love the new header!
By the way,painting the furniture is a long slow task because you are taking time to do it well. You could just slap a lotta paint on and call it good, but that's NOT the willow way.
Pretty photos. So that's what happened with everything. I guess 911 was also out in Thousand Oaks. I kept trying to call Dear on the land line and got nothing! Good thing we have cell phones. Love the witty title for your post :0)
Good use of your time...and it's not so bad to be put out of (technology) business for a time!
Your yarn is very pretty! What do you have planned for it? Selling?
I'm painting today and it's cool here!! :))
Indeed that is true....but only when you know it can be fixed. AOL was off line this am for several hours and I wonder if that is related to the cyber attacks that have been going on since the 4th.
Great play on words...I could not believe that...until I read further.
I have not been at my computer for one week, even though I've been at home, but I had company and I did not have a spare moment.
Nevertheless they have left and I have some space again.
Haha, you're right, Roxie-- slapping paint is NOT the Willow way. :o) Love the way the yarn has spun up, Mums!
Yes, I know what you mean. I really should get back to my lace too.
Hello Willow..... Yes, I know the initial shock, horror of being without internet connection...... but it can sometimes be a little blessing in disguise.... for me anyway.... all too often I engage in displaced activity. Have a great weekend.
Love the yarn.
I seem to be a part time blogger at the moment, though always have to find time to keep up with other's posts. Started to paint again, then the garden needs me and the house is looking decidedly dusty...all this is an excuse for a mind that is devoid of inspiration-when the muse hits it is all hands to the keyboard.Official deprivation of access would remove the guilt.
Love your bougainvillea, it can only be pot grown here, I forgot to bring it in for the winter and it died.
intentional or unintentional breaks sometimes remind us of the most important things. congrats on the POTD mention.
Congrats on the Post of the Day mention!
POTD!! Its good to not go online all the time, last night, I purposefully did not go online and I sat and read curled up on the sofa, to the background tune f a severe downpour it was music to my ears!
Wow ! they are smooth & too much cosy, artistic colors too.Looks good .
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