Monday, November 04, 2013

Thankful #3 and #4

Two of my favorite things
coffee and the beach

(Yes, the Christmas cups are already here)


Dianna said...

The beach surely sounds good when I look outside and see the frost on the grass. :-)

And the picture from yesterday of the Camillas is beautiful! I'm glad your friend is making progress in her recovery!

Bethany said...

You are funny! And Starbucks would love that photo! It definitely looks warmer there than it is here!

ellen b. said...

You nailed this one! A twofer worth a thousand words...

Barbara said...

Same here, everything is a reminder of Christmas.

Melissa said...

Dunkin Donuts already has Christmas decorations and cups, too!

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Willow! I really love this photo - just wanted to say so.