Thursday, October 15, 2015

Friday. It's That Time Again

Friday.  It's Friday Fave Five time.  As you read this, I am wending my east to visit my granddaughter. (Oh, and her parents, too, of course.)  We're going to celebrate her birthday.

1.  That's my first fave.  Our little PAL is ONE.  Stay tuned for photos :)

2.  Saturday afternoon, we drove up the coast hwy and turned off at one of the county parks where The Professor's brother and his wife were 'camping' in their fifth wheeler.  We enjoyed dinner and a long fun chat with them.

3.  I can never get enough of the beach.  This was the view from our 'dinner table'.  Yes, four photos because I can't decide on my favorite.  Those small bumps out at the horizon of the first, third and fourth pictures are a couple of the Channel Islands.

Do you see the tiny island with the palm trees and the bridge connecting it to the mainland?
That's a private spot, used by an oil drilling company.

4.  As long as we were traveling on the weekend, I decided that adding a bit of an extra trip would work out well.  So...I made arrangements to fly on to the east coast and visit my other children.  Arranging this was not an easy task.  Purchasing tickets.  Check.  Easy-peasy.  Packing for two distinct climates.  Check.  Not hard at all.  Finding a sub to teach for me next week.  Now that was a bit harder.  But.  Yes.  Check.  A retired writing teacher, who is also a friend of mine, rearranged her schedule to make herself available to take my classes.  That was a huge help and I am truly thankful for faithful, helpful friends.

5.  I think that maybe our horrible heat wave has broken.  That statement alone involves more than one fave--I'm thankful for slightly cooler weather; I'm thankful for air-conditioning at home; I'm thankful for AC in my car.  Autumn is my least favorite season in Southern California.  Soon we'll be into November and our weather will settle into lower temperatures.

This is Willow's Week in five short paragraphs.  How was yours?


Faith said...

oh my...autumn is my very fave season ( weather wise) here in eastern NY! i love the crisp cool nights and the warm sunny days and not using AC yet still keeping windows open...the bright folkage, the no sweating on a hike except for if Im hiking fast.....bliss!!! 😀

yay for granddaughter turning 1!! that year goes by fast!!

beautiful beach usual....someday i will see SoCal maybe.

Kathie said...

We took our portable AC out on Sept 19th and had the hottest weekend! It always seems to be the way. However we have the stove on now. Just to warm things up in the morning. Our days are still quite warm - around 60-70. It's lovely.

I hear you're in for a lot of rain this winter due to El Nino - and we're in for a lot of snow . . . oh well! My neighbour noted that the wasps are building their nests around 18 ft off the ground. Gulp! We may be breaking our record of 17 ft last year!

Ah . . . your beach pics. So lovely. Peaceful. Our beaches are still gorgeous. Swimming is over unless I had a full wetsuit. I still see some surfers out. We get some decent waves in the fall.

Looking forward to those first bday pictures!

Happy weekend Willow!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures of the beach and sky. No wonder you couldn't choose just one. I know you'll have a great time loving your kids and grandchildren.
We are having a beautiful autumn here in, blue skies, crisp air, and some lovely changing leaves. (Maybe not as many as we had in Michigan, but lovely in an Iowa way!) Mary P

Barbara H. said...

Happy birthday to your granddaughter! It's neat you are able to visit so many loved ones. Love the beach photos.

Karen said...

How nice that you could make the rounds and visit all of your loved ones. And turning one is a big birthday! Lovely view for dinner.

Susan said...

I wouldn't mind having my own tiny island with palm trees and a bridge to the mainland. :)
Lovely view to go with your lovely dinner companions.

Hurray on being able to work out all the details to get back east!
And hurray on being there for the first birthday party of your Pal. ;)

Have a great week.

nikkipolani said...

Ah. I see how I've been framing my seasons all wrong for So Cal! I keep thinking of it as "endless summer" rather than "autumn in So Cal is wretched". Have a wonderful visit with all your beloveds, Willow. And bless that retired teacher who stepped in to pinch hit.

Susanne said...

I'm just soaking in your gorgeous pictures! The colors are gorgeous! Enjoy your family!

ellen b said...

How nice that you can head east to visit more of your family. Happy birthday to your sweet new grand.

Gracie Saylor said...

I was well and able to get back into my normal routine of swimming for three hours which felt great even though I whined about halfway through each hour because I was getting tired :) Your photos of the ocean refresh me as it has been a few weeks since I have visited the ocean myself. Blessings on you and yours as you visit and make more good memories! xx