Friday, February 26, 2016

Last One in February

Fourth and Last February Friday Fave Fives list.
How is it possible that we are one-sixth of the way through 2016?
Friday Fave Fives is a way to remember the best blessings.
Remember--it's always a good day when no one has shot at you, and you were able to get out of bed and drink your coffee.

1.  Spring is really and truly here.
At the farmers market last weekend, we found the first asparagus of the season.
We ate it at dinner that evening and as we were savoring each bite, The Professor stated, "You need to make this one of your Fave Fives for next Friday!'

2.  On Sunday The Professor and I attended a healthy living conference.  I've gone before, but this year he elected to join me.  It's an all day affair and includes a super healthy breakfast and lunch. Excellent speakers and excellent information.

3.  I love my garden. It's spring!  It's a perfect combination.
My garden has begun sprouting!
So far, I've planted snap peas and carrots.
I think my garden could make my Five Faves list every week.

4.  I love the small beasts which are around greeting me as I water or weed.  Mr. Lizard has a very long tail.

I don't know much about birds, but I do recognize the tiny hummingbirds.  Here is one perched on the aloe vera spike.  He sat there and scolded me the whole time I was outside photographing him.

5.  Remember this yarn?
I handspun it last summer and didn't have a plan for it.
But my friend who has conscripted me to be her indentured knitting worker loves it, so I made a shawl for her.  It's done and delivered to her, but of course I forgot to take a photo.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
Enjoy the outdoors.
Take time to rest and relax.
Declutter something and simplify your life.


Gracie Saylor said...

Dear Willow, Your fave five have cheered me...even though I have to make an effort to appreciate your Mr. Lizard. I am imagining the shawl you made is gorgeous. We have some clouds rolling in to give us some rain showers this weekend, but I am looking forward to them and the continuing signs of plants awakening around me from their winter rest. Wishing you a happy weekend! xx

Jill Foley said...

If I did a list of favorites, my garden would regularly appear on it! And the frogs who greet me (more like hop away from me) as I work in the garden...

Karen said...

It's still a bit cold to start gardening here, but it hasn't stopped me from planning. I've been on a decluttering spree and it feels great. I have to admit, your lizard friend made my heart jump a bit!

Meredith said...

We are almost at the gardening stage here, still a bit chilly some days. Love your positive thoughts for the week.

Hollace said...

Love that the professor is starting to count your should-be-favorites! That yarn is gorgeous--I wish I could see what you did with it. Maybe your friend would model it and send a pic.

Barbara H. said...

No spring here yet, though I was heartened to see sunshine this afternoon and we're supposed to have weather in the 60s this weekend. We have some daffodils starting to come up, always exciting to see. The healthy living conference sounds good - I'd love to find new ideas for healthier recipes that don't include things I have never eaten or sometimes never heard of before.

ellen b said...

I'm glad I'm eating a healthy orange while I read this. Next I'm going to have some healthy red wine. I miss those little lizard creatures! Yeah for the farmer's market. That was a great prompt from the Professor!

Faith said...

not officially spring yet of course and not quite spring temps here in eastern NY this day was 52 and the next day was 17!! crazy near Saratoga Springs NY!! lol. but soooo much milder than last winter 2015 for sure. we have had a total of 3 inches since winter begsn in Dec. i am sooo loving it.

love your faves list..lyummy! asparagus. our stores are beginning to get some....just in time for the early Easter.

have a relaxing weekend.

Monica said...

As I sit reading your post this morning I have to tell you I am very jealous!!! It is 34 degrees here this morning. (I know it is worse else where) I am so looking forward to spring/summer this year. Winter is getting old!!! oh wait, maybe I am getting old! LOL!
Love the yarn! With my arthritis I have not picked up knitting needles in over six months. It just hurts too bad. I spend more time reading these days.
Glad to hear you are having a lovely spring.

Claudia Bugh said...

I'm shocked when I think about that too - winter is over with nary a cloud to be seen and we are still at 50% average rainfall. So much for El Nino. I love your seedlings! I'm growing chamomile from seeds and they've just germinated - so fun!

nikkipolani said...

Isn't it amazing how dainty and sweet those hummers are when they are really noisy scolds?

Having grown up (mostly) in So Cal, I always thought spring came in January. Winter was those few pesky dark and cold weeks in December. New growth in the garden never fails to bring joy :-)

Susanne said...

I like how the Professor thinks! Indeed, Professor, indeed! :)

Fresh spring asparagus is one of my favourite veggies. So yummy. Love the garden pictures. We are a ways from that here though we've had unreal mild temps for our area.

Ingrid said...

You are so lucky that spring moved in ! we are still far from it !

snoopydogknits said...

Oh for some Springtime here in the UK. It must be just around the corner. I LOVE that gorgeous handspan yarn. Lucky friend! Ros

Julene said...

The healthy living conference sounds wonderful! Fill me in?
Spring is a great time of year to see all that is growing! Good for the peas and carrots! Sounds like your off to a good start on the garden. We have a ways to go before planting anything but do enjoy the nicer days! Fresh asparagus is so delicious.You get it nice and early!! Happy Spring Days!!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I was outside in my shirt sleeves today, cleaning out my flower beds. Daffodils are popping through and it looks like my lavender has survived the winter. We're far behind you in the growing season, but I'm just happy to be outdoors without feeling cold. We love hummingbirds and plan to put out some feeders this year. Last year one or two enjoyed my zinnias, but feeders definitely will bring more of them. While working in the flower beds today I discovered my teeny tiny garden toad survived the winter, too. Oh, happy day! :D P.S. We've been eating fresh asparagus, too. Sooo yummy!

Fashions said...

It's wonderful your infos. Thank you very much