Friday, February 12, 2016

SFFFF--Second February Friday Fave Fives

What a Week.  Willow's Week was-- simply put-- a whirlwind.  I did try to stop and focus so I would remember what took all my time and attention and how I was blessed in the activities of the week.  I know I'm a bit late to the Friday Fave Fives party, but at least I made it...

1.  It was hot.  We broke heat records.  One afternoon, I checked the temperature at my car as I drove from class and it was 89F.  In February.  I love this time of year when (if it's not raining) the weather is exceptionally pleasant.

2.  All the flowers have decided to bloom.

It's the very end of camellia season.

But, I spied the first California poppy by the side of the road.

3.  I marked three books off my 2016 book list!
Simplify Your Life by Elaine St. James (and I passed it on to a friend to read!)
Mini Farming by Brett L. Markham
Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole by Pulde and Lederman

4.  Driving in to my neighborhood this afternoon, I pulled off to the side of the road, hopped out, and snapped this photo of the ornamental plum tree blossoms in the foreground of the Santa Monica Mountains.   I think the plum trees are blooming a bit early this year.  Do you notice the rock formation which looks like a castle along the skyline?  That's completely natural--just rocks. I am truly thankful for the place I live.

5.  My artists group is back meeting again!  We are reading a thoughtful, inspirational book together and meeting during Lent--sort of our Lenten study.  Oh it was wonderful to sit around a table and share and chat.  We may have stayed an extra hour and we may have rambled down a few side trails.  Just so happy to be with each other.  Do you have such people in your life?


Monica said...

Sounds fabulous where you are! Always love seeing your pictures of flowers and landscape.

Jill Foley said...

How were the books?

Joyce said...

Amazing how different the climate is across the US. We're in the south and have temps in the 20's today-very unusual! Your flower shots are lovely! Visiting from the Friday Fave Fives link today. Enjoy your weekend!

ellen b. said...

I've heard from several soCal folk about your heat this past week! The blooms are lovely. Things seem to be budding and blooming early here, too. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Meredith said...

It has been cool here, wish you had that too. Your week sounds wonderful.

Faith said...

well we have had the COLDEST temps for 2016/winter in NY and tonight I am in the South shore boston area between boston and cape cod and the wind chill is -18!!' BRRRRRR but....overall our NY winter has been mild.

LOVE the rock formations and all those lovely blooms. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

A Joyful Cottage said...

You've had a busy week. The flowers are so pretty. I'm looking forward to a flower blooming. Any flower will do. Yes, you do live in a beautiful place. xo

snoopydogknits said...

You live in such a beautiful area! Love seeing the flowers etc. It's been exceptionally cold and windy here in the UK! Have a good week! Ros

Jerralea said...

What a gorgeous camellia!

I agree, you do live in a beautiful location. As do I ... just not at it's peak beauty right now ...

Yes! A group such as you describe where you can truly fellowship and discuss ideas ... what a blessing. And not easy to find ...

Ingrid said...

Hot outside is only a word I can dream of for the moment !