Friday, September 02, 2016

End of August 2016

It's Friday, And time for Friday Fave Fives.  I thought I'd post more this week, but as you will see, my hands and thoughts were busy elsewhere.  I still need to pause, focus, and be thankful.  Thankfully, Susanne's Friday Fave Fives help me do just that.

1.  Sore muscles.  Why oh why do sore muscles make me happy?  It means that I have put in two good days on some heavy outside yard work.  We need to adjust the property line markers on our side property to correctly reflect the property line.  So I shoveled rock, moved cement edgers and pavers.  There is still more work to do, but I'm proud of those sore muscles.

2.  In my garden, there are many more monarch caterpillars (no more photos because, you know, how many photos of caterpillars do you need?)  But World's Best Neighbor phoned and left me a message telling me the butterflies are flying everywhere around the milkweed on the back bank of the garden and she has a perfect view of them.  In other garden news, the cotton plants are flowering!

3.  AND the potatoes grew!  My first attempt at growing potatoes yielded these!  I planted one potato cut into four sections and I harvested enough to fill a gallon pot.

4.  Not everything was about the garden this week (but of course it's the end of August and beginning of September so of course there is a lot going on in the garden).  These two felted sheep have decided to relocate to the East Coast.  Someone noticed my sheep at the county fair display and asked to purchase a couple from me.  So these two are off on a new adventure.

And  I have been on a NICU hat kick.  This week:  eleven hats and the twelfth nearly done.

5.  I saved the best for last!  See what I picked up at the airport on Thursday??  PAL and her daddy are here for a visit!  She brought her bunny Alexandria to visit with Eleanor and they are all having a great time playing with blocks and duplos, taking walks, picking tomatoes and oranges!  The arrival of our Princess PAL also explains my lateness in posting my Faves this week.

I foresee a busy Labor Day weekend--beach trip, museum visit for Daddy, lots of walks and book reading.


ellen b said...

Sweet Princess Pal and her friends. So cute. Look at those potatoes! That's great. Have fun being busy this weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Nice harvest! And those sheep and bunnies are sooo cute! Wonderful that your PAL and her Daddy could visit! Love the NICU hats, and I know they'll be much appreciated!

Gracie Saylor said...

Sweet! Enjoy your little PAL and her dad...I know you are. Cheers for your gardening, sore muscles, and preemie hat knitting. I want to come play with your sheep and bunnies :) xx

Thankful for Grace said...

Congratulations on the potatoes! I foresee some yummy mashed potatoes in the coming days. Enjoy!

Your sheep are so cute. And those NICU hats are precious. I know they are most appreciated by the hospital and by the parents who receive them.

I assume PAL is your granddaughter. She's adorable, and so are her little friends. Hope you have a fantastic time with her and her dad this weekend.


Karen said...

The cotton plant is beautiful. I don't think we have them in our area. Wow, you've been busy! Sore muscles and fast fingers -- lots of knitting going on there. Enjoy your visit with your family!

Anonymous said...

What a great week. Your sweet little princess looks very content. Mary

Ingrid said...

Congratulations to your yard work ! I admit I am really lazy when it comes to the yard ! And you also did a lot of knit work ! I will have my little grandson with his Dad next weekend !

snoopydogknits said...

Ha ha! I spot some Little Cotton Rabbits! So sweet! Love your sheep too; how clever! x

Faith said...

yay for yard work!! my husband and i need to tackle some tree cutting and bush trimming this fall.

your granddaughter is just precious and so are those stuffed animals and felt sheep!!

love the hats too of course,

happy labor day!,

Susanne said...

How exciting, your granddaughter is there with you!! Those little sheep are adorable. You are motivating me to plan for some of the heavy duty garden work I need to get to.

Summer said...

Sorry about your sore muscles! Butterflies flying around sounds wonderful ♥

Wendy said...

Catching up from last week still! Aching muscles from good things are always easier to cope with. Your little Princess is adorable.