Friday, November 18, 2016

More November Thankfulness

Greetings from the East Coast!  I'm here in the mid Atlantic states having arrived Wednesday (which is why I didn't get around to visit people for Fave Fives last weekend--craziness at Willow's Cottage as I prepared for travel.  Not even any photos...).  So I will endeavor to post today and then visit others posting at Friday Fave Fives before I head out again on a jet plane tomorrow evening.

OK, first things first.

1.  I'm thankful for a safe flight across the US.  Not being an intrepid flyer, I am so very grateful when the plane touches down and I can state those famous words of our MAF jungle pilot in Papua, "Cheated death again!"

2.  I am thankful for The Professor who encourages me to take these adventures, sometimes without him.  I miss him when we're apart, but I know we're never very far apart in thought and spirit.

3.  Those hugs and kisses when the car pulls up at airport arrivals and everyone yells, "Meema!"

New news:

4.  I am thankful that my daughter (The New Boy's mom) wants to travel with me.  It's a privilege and joy to have special times with my adult children.

5.  Finally, I am thankful and excited that I have the chance to visit ENGLAND with my girl!  Leaving tomorrow!  So maybe I'll be able to visit a few blogs.  I'll try!


ellen b said...

Oh squeal! I'm doing a happy dance with you that you are going to ENGLAND with your girl! Yeah. Such a short hop from that side of our country. Can't wait to hear about it.

Faith said...

whoo hoo about the England trip!!!! my daughters and I will be there with you in spirit!!is on our bucket list. i sure hope you take photos and then share some!!!!

how fun to visit your grandchildren and hear their voices as you get off that plane...glad you had a good flight!!

no, no hiking for me this past week....too much yardwork and power walking!

have a wonderful trip! Im assuming you will be away for athanksgiving?

collettakay said...

England! I'm so jealous! Meanwhile, I'll be here in PA where we're supposed to have snow on Sunday! I'm secretly a bit excited. hehe


Barbara H. said...

I'm smiling at the "Cheated death again" line. Glad you had a safe flight and good times with your family. Wow, England! Have fun!

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Enjoy your visit to England, which is where I am from originally. I'm visiting from Friday's Fave Five.

Ann said...

My brother in law was a pilot in Papua!! But with JAARS, not MAF. Still, interesting coincidence!! Safe travels to you.

Gattina said...

When my husband decided that he had travelled enough, I got used to travel alone or with friends. I still love travelling, and he is happy when he can stay home with the cats ! Good compromise !

Wendy said...

I hope you have a lovely visit here in England. Safe travels.

snoopydogknits said...

Welcome to England! Sorry that your arrival will have been met with such awful weather. Enjoy your stay! Ros

Meredith said...

Have a fantastic time.

Jerralea said...

What a blessing that you and your girl can visit England together! What a trip it will be!

I had to smile at your "cheated death again" line! I've never been afraid to fly but maybe that's because my trips were always in huge jets ....

Jerralea said...

Well, there was that trip in an Ozark Air puddlejumper ... but all turned out well...

nikkipolani said...

I absolutely LOVE that pilot's famous words! Having done more travel (mostly by myself) in the last year than I have in the last ten, I'm more comfortable now with the whole routine. But you-- YOU get to travel to England! I'm sure you'll have a great time. May you cheat death again and again and make it safely home after your adventures.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog. I hope to see a post on your England trip. Sounds wonderful! xo

Optimistic Existentialist said...

We are thankful for YOU :)

Have a Merry Christmas :)

Julene said...

Keeping the focus on thankfulness is uplifting and something we all can do! Glad the flight(s) went well and there is time with the girls!!