Thursday, January 19, 2017

Friday Fave Five, January Style #3

Happy Friday! How was your week?  Mine was a bit unexpected.  Reporting for Jury duty turned in to court room turned into sitting on a jury.  I'll be busy for a few days...
In the mean time, I will still be thankful for the blessings of my week.
Thank you to Susanne for hosting us every week!

1.  The Professor and I aren't big on dining out, but it turned out that we ended up eating out twice on Sunday.  Lunch was with The Professor's Sister which is always fun.  And then in the evening, we spontaneously decided to have dinner with The World's Best Neighbors.  More than the food, the fellowship was precious.

2.  On Monday I met up with two very special people.  They don't live around here anymore but had time to stop by and visit with me for a bit.  ELLEN at and her husband.  Ellen and I were walking buddies for years until she moved away.  It was great to catch up with them.

3.  A couple of little KNITTED goodies for their expected grandbaby.

4.  How many times do I have to say Hurray for RAIN before y'all get really tired of hearing it?  But, truly, we are thankful for the rain that fell this week.  AGAIN.  We are hoping that our area will finally join the rest of the West in creeping out of our years long drought.  We're looking forward to more RAIN this weekend!

5.  A bit of  SUNSHINE in the middle of a rainy week.
In my garden.

What  were the events blessed you this week?


Anonymous said...

It's been many years since I was called to jury duty....interesting memories. I was happy to see your flower. I just informed my granddaughter that we don't get lovely flowers in our Iowa gardens in the winter. We have to patiently wait for the tulips to pop up in spring. I'm loving your England entry and looking forward to the next!! Mary

Gracie Saylor said...

Thank you for your jury service! I'm glad you have had good visits and that you got more rain :) I am blessed to have four new tires on my car this week. xx

Deb J. in Utah said...

It is always fun to get together with friends you haven't seen for a while. We have had a bit of rain here too and hope for more this weekend! Have a great one!

nikkipolani said...

Yep, same here. Rain will make the Faves every time! Are you also addicted to the NOAA site that counts up the inches of rain?

Hurray for visits with friends! Of course you knitted something sweet :-)

Hope your jury service goes smoothly. I wonder if the courts think they owe me for the month-long case I was on years ago. I've only been "on-call" since.

Faith said...

How fun to get together with your neighbors for a meal out and to touch base with Ellen!!

I'm glad your area is getting out of the drought! we still have no snow!! we are now wondering if it is gonna show up in early April like last year!!

Enjoy your weekend and that spot of color in your yard.

Wendy said...

Lovely to spend time with friends and to eat out. I hope the jury service goes well. It can sometimes just be a lot of hanging around. Have a good weekend.

Barbara H. said...

How fun that you could get together with Ellen! I remember when you lived near each other and walked together. I think it was through her that I found you.

So far I have been able to get out of jury duty each time I have been called. My husband enjoys that kind of thing - I don't. I'd hate to have to make a decision affecting another person's life.

I actually love eating out. :-) Glad you and your husband got to do so this week.

Hurray for the rain!

snoopydogknits said...

it's always good for the soul when we get together with family or friends. Love the knits too! x

Susanne said...

What a cheerful flower! So nice to see you and Ellen together again. EEK for jury duty. It always makes me nervous to see that envelope come in the mail. So far both times I've been called for jury selection I've been excused due to my job of being a private dayhome operator. It would be a hardship for my families for find alternate care for an unknown period of time and my income would be affected if they left. Hope your trial is not too long or hard.

ellen b said...

I'm going to have to steal your photos for my post because they aren't photo bombed like mine are. I thank the Lord for our time together and the chance to update my prayer journal. Wow...I'm still here in So. Cal. and am ready to go home so I can get my act together again. I hope the rains aren't wreaking havoc on the hills above you. Praying for you my dear walking buddy from years ago.

collettakay said...

I'm glad you were able to spend time with good friends and that you are getting the rain you need! It is pouring here in PA right now and it is supposed to turn to snow this evening.

Thanks for stopping by Colletta's Kitchen Sink!


Ingrid said...

Wow 2 times out eating !that's luxury ! How nice to meet old friends again ! It's getting a bit warmer, but spring seems so far away !!

A Joyful Cottage said...

No complaints from me hearing about the rain in California. That's wonderful! The baby hats are adorable. xo