Friday, January 06, 2017

Hello 2017

My first Friday Fave Five for the New Year.  My wandering adventures are over for a while now.  Seven weeks is a long time to be away from home.  I treasure all the moments I can spend with my family either traveling or helping at their homes, but it is nice to settle in again at Willow's Cottage where my yarn stash and needles reside.

1.  While we were on the East Coast, we drove in to Washington, D.C.

 to visit the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.  Older Daughter has a special interest there--the project she works with is featured in a display.  Here she gave us all a short presentation on 'her missile'.

Even Eleanor enjoyed the impromptu lecture.

I loved watching my girl's enthusiasm for her job and understanding a tiny bit of what she does all day.

2. As always, I am thankful for safe travel. We had an uneventful, smooth, albeit long, flight back to the West Coast.  And I have to mention Uber.  Son #2 Dr. Mike has been using Uber for years.  So he convinced us, and yes, Uber is great!

3.  Time changes are always 'fun'.  We are catching up on our sleep and adjusting to the three hour time difference.  The fave here is that I have the luxury to sleep in.

4.  RAIN!  Yes, we Southern Californians are weird like that.  We so seldom get a good cleansing rainstorm that when more than one arrives back to back to back, we are ecstatic.  I was born and spent my first eighteen years in the Pacific Northwest, so I know rain.  This rain is like Oregon rain--slow, misty, soft. Not the usual torrential downpours we experience here.  We left in the rain from the east coast and arrived to rain here.  So far this week we haven't seen the sun.  That's very unusual, but we are thankful because we NEED RAIN.  (note:  as of mid week, we have had a bit over four inches of rain this season--more than any of the past six years of drought.  And now it measures at 5 3/4 inches!)

5.  I love it when I get those texts from my best neighbor:  Help!  Knitting issue!  She popped down in the evening and I talked her through how to 'turn the heel' on a sock.  I love sharing my knowledge (Yes, I'm a born teacher--just can't stop teaching.)
I have been pondering my word for this year 2017.  I think I've distilled it down to a 'postable' paragraph.  Hopefully, I'll have time to write it up and post it this weekend.  In the meantime, enjoy a lovely winter weekend, friends!


Barbara H. said...

Wow, that's a long time to be away from home! Glad all went well and you had good visits. My husband has always wanted to visit DC -- maybe we'll get there some time. My oldest son uses Uber mainly for going to and from the airport when he comes here. We haven't had opportunity to try it yet. Glad you've had a good, soaking rain!

Faith said...

I didnt realize yu had been gone for 7 weeks!!! that IS a long time but how cool to see your daughter's work at the Smithsonian!! what exactly is her career?

Yay for rain! we here in eastern NY have absolutely NO snow, yet just one hour west of us they have 8 inches and just 3 hrs west of us near rochester they have 20!! and parts of the western adirondack mountains where i rarely hike as it is a 3 hour drive, has 3 feet of the white stuff!! we honestly wouldnt mind a bit of snow as i want to try my new crampons my husband got me for my hiking boots!

Wendy said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your travels but I'm sure I'd be glad to get home too. Good to hear about the rain. I know it's needed. We have Uber here in the UK now but we don't have much need of it. The kids use it all the time though. Have a good weekend.

Gracie Saylor said...

My CA family is rejoicing in the rain, too! I'm glad you enjoyed the travel and now staying home teaching. It looks like weather will be a hot topic this weekend for most of the nation...we are supposed to get more snow and ice so I am hoping to get a lot of stitching done! I haven't settled on a word for this year yet. xx

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the D.C. area. It is such an interesting place! I have never used Uber, but just may the next time I have to fly somewhere since I hate to park at the airport. Glad you are home safe. Will look forward to your "word for the year." Have a great weekend.

Meredith said...

Your travels sound wonderful. What a brilliant young woman, how exciting to have that project in the museum.
Happy 2017!

Ingrid said...

If you love rain come here for a year and you will run off to Florida, lol ! Yes after a long time it's good to be home again and do your own things. I have an agreement with a friend, I help her for all paper work and she does my sewing ! That's a great swap !

Jerralea said...

Glad you are getting much needed rain!

Isn't it a pleasure to share knowledge?

I've only recently heard of Uber... I don't get out much.

Susanne said...

Glad you got the rain that you were needing down there. Your passion for knitting and for teaching would make you a wonderful person to learn from. I love listening to my children talk about what they do, especially now that they are not under my roof anymore, it makes me feel closer to them. Glad you got that trip in and were able to do that.